How many syllables is your last name? I was DYING to use Dylan for this boy, but unfortunately it sounds too similar to our last name (a little like John Johnson, lol). Our last name is 3 syllables, so I would have gone with a 1 syllable mn because it sounded better, and less of a mouthful.
I love the name Grant, and I think Dylan Grant sounds good. Dylan Miles, Dylan Todd, Dylan Blake.... I'll keep thinking.
Re: trying to find a middle name for my little boy!
When I see Dylan I automatically think of Dylan James...Idk why, but I always have.
I also like Dylan Charles and Dylan Henry.
Dylan Thomas
Dylan Miles
Dylan Kyle (I know a Dylan Kyle so it sounds right to me)
My nephew is Dylan Joseph. His grandmother sometimes calls him "Dyl-Jo" which is kind of cute.
How many syllables is your last name? I was DYING to use Dylan for this boy, but unfortunately it sounds too similar to our last name (a little like John Johnson, lol). Our last name is 3 syllables, so I would have gone with a 1 syllable mn because it sounded better, and less of a mouthful.
I love the name Grant, and I think Dylan Grant sounds good. Dylan Miles, Dylan Todd, Dylan Blake.... I'll keep thinking.