Last week it was AF (who never showed).
Today it's thin lining. I go for b/w and u/s Wednesday (they're booked tomorrow - boo!). If my lining is thin... we get to start our DIUI. If it isn't, provera.
I was *this* close to whining to the scheduler "But I wanna start noooooooooow"
Edit: It didn't even occur to me to wish for money or better sperm (hello tunnel vision!). Can I wish for those too?
Re: The things you wish for as an IF patient.
3 IUI's, 2 IVF's , 1 FET , 1 IVF w/ Gestational Carrier, and 1 FET using adopted embryo's = ALL BFNs
We are adopting!
I wish for:
-really nice ewcm, which I don't have. (whenever I'm cooking, I get jealous of actual egg-whites)
-DH's sperm to be awesome (we were told his SA results were "perfectly normal", but the printout I received in the mail shows bad-ish morphology. So I'm not too optimistic about his sperm)
-My insurance to cover everything I'll need to be doing in the future, and I know it won't. After 11 cycles, guess we'll need to take next step soon into RE territory.
~Life After Infertility~
I wish the two "perfect" embryos in my ute right now would snuggle in and grow, grow, grow.
And if I can't have that, I either wish my insurance would pay for all future treatments, or I would win the lottery. I'd be happy with either option.
TTC since August 2008
IVF#1: BFFN; IVF#2: BFN; FET with new RE: BFN
IVF#3: ER 1/15; ET 1/20; Beta#1 1/29: 339!
Twins girls born via c/s at 37w/3d!!
"Let it go, this too shall pass."
Yes you can wish for all of those! I wish them for you!
I wish for all three of my follies to release and egg and be fertilized!!! AND make them sticky zygote/ embryos!
The Conception Craze
1/2009- TTTC
After 7 rounds of clomid and HcG, Three failed IUI's with an ectopic pregnancy, two shots of methotrextate, ER visits, breaks, low (3%) morphology One IVF cycle (lupron, gonal-F) that ended in another ectopic, more methotrexate, A Lap to disconnect both tubes, remove endo and a hydrosalphinx, . . .we are finally expecting TWINS from FET#1!
1.11. 2011: Beginning FET cycle!
3.11.11- FET! (DH's birthday!) 2 blasts transfered!
3.20.11- BETA #1 BFP!!! 272! (9dp5dt)
3.23.11- BETA #2 1346!!! (12dp5dt)
4.8.11- U/S #1. . TWINS!!! . . .TWO BOYS!
9.10.11-My beautiful Boys arrive unexpectedly at 28 weeks, 6 days.
I wish for a BFP on this cycle and not have to do IVF next month.
I wish to be blistuflly ingnorant about how the reporductive system works and manage to get KU by just batting my eyes at my DH.
I wish for sperm in my husband's next SA.
And I wish that there was a separate waiting room for pregnant women at my ob/gyn. I am in there for a fertility checkup along with all the pregnant women. Makes me want to cry some days.
I also wish for money for treatments...oop is gonna hurt. (We're saving as best we can right now.)
7lbs 13oz 20 inches long