I just returned from my baseline appt & my protocol this month will include low doses of HCG after follicles are 12-13 mm. Nurse said "it's to help them grow more" & was wondering if anyone has added this to their protocol? TIA
I hope it's ok that I post. My RE has me doing low dose HCG this time on my IVF cycle. He said that he sees more mature eggs w/ it. I trigger tomorrow so we'll see!
Re: Has anyone added low doses of HCG to protocol?
My protocol was 75 mg Low dose HCG along with 450 iu Follistim.
*PCOS bio* *Cold Hands, Warm Heart*
I used diluted ovidrel (hcg) for IVF#2. I was on a lower dose of follistim and about 10 units of diluted hcg. for the whole time I stimmed.
i did get more mature eggs that cycle and did not overstim, so it was a win for me!