Babies on the Brain

If you've bf more than one child

Did your nips get as painful with the second child as they did with the first when baby was a newborn? Or was it easier with the second because you knew what your were doing and could help the baby latch better?

2 girls and a dog

Re: If you've bf more than one child

  • This is a really good question but I have no idea what the answer is.

    "If you find a mate in life, you should be loyal. In your case, grateful."
    SAHM to two sweet girls, both born at home; Baby #3 in 2013!
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  • I'm terrified of bfing another baby now that I know how hard it is (it was for me anyway).  
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  • I have no personal experience but I just asked my sister. 

    She said it actually  hurt longer with her son because he had a bad latch the first days in the hospital before the LC came in to help her correct it.  She ended up getting a cracked nipple on that side as well as mastitis/clogged duct.

    Probably not a typical case, but that's her experience.


    Abraham Arthur 2/21/10 // Asher Kendall 11/11/11

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  • I have nothing to add but I'd like to know if there is something you haven't told us Heather my dear? hmm?

  • I am curious about your reason for asking :P
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  • imageheather_09_15_07:

    Did your nips get as painful with the second child as they did with the first when baby was a newborn? Or was it easier with the second because you knew what your were doing and could help the baby latch better?

    I would have to say DD#2 was easier to BF than DD#1. Though I didn't have major problems with DD#1 (cracked nipples, bleeding, etc)  there was a lot of frustration because the process was so foreign to me. Once DD#2 came around, it was easier mainly because I was more confident and didn't want to give up every time she didn't latch on correctly.

  • OMG no! Ha. Nothing to tell/share whatsoever.

    It's just something I've been wondering.

    Thanks for the input.

    2 girls and a dog
  • For me, I knew what I was doing so it was easier with #2. I lasted 8 days with DD, and 5w with DS.
  • #2 was SO much easier.

    #1 had latching problems, my nipples were sore, and I was so engorged because he couldn't figure it all out. #2 knew just what to do, my nipples only hurt a little bit, and I was not painfully engorged.

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