
Info on tandem feeding?

The breastfeeding book I bought before we knew we were expecting twins doesn't even mention tandem feeding.  And google is not really getting me anywhere.  Any book recs? 

Will I just learn with the LC in the hospital or at a breastfeeding class?  I'm curious about some of the basics, like how do I burp two babies by myself?

Fiona & Julia imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker 23 mos. TTC, MFI, IUI #1&2 BFN, IVF #1 = BFP!!!

Re: Info on tandem feeding?

  • The breastfeeding class most likely won't go into tandem nursing, the LC will be the best resource and of course the ladies on here.  Tandem is very do-able, need a twin nursing pillow to start - helps a TON. Burping, I would just burp one at a time while the other was still laying on my EZ 2 Nurse pillow.  For me to tandem by myself I'm either on the couch - lay the babies on either side of me as I get set up, or on the floor in their nursery sitting w/my legs crossed and leaning up against the arm chair that's in there. GL!!
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  • Oh sorry, as for a book, I've heard "Mothering Multiples" is very helpful, although I haven't read it yet.
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  • There are some books out there that address tandem feeding (Mothering Multiples, Adventures in Tandem Nursing).  I had a book that I used with my singletons that also gave tandem info (can't remember the name now, and I gave it to my SIL).  I mostly learned positioning, etc. from our LC in the hospital, but it's nice to have a book to help with the more detailed issues of latching, etc. and info about storing pumped milk.
    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
  • get a twin nursing pillow, like the EZNurse.  Then you can leave one baby laying on the pillow while you burp the other baby.

    A good pillow is crucial, IMO. 

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  • I have the EZ2Nurse on my list to buy and Mothering Multiples looks like exactly the type of book I was trying to find.  Thanks!
    Fiona & Julia imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker 23 mos. TTC, MFI, IUI #1&2 BFN, IVF #1 = BFP!!!
  • I loved Mothering Multiples, as a pp mentioned and also, Yes You Can Breastfeed Twins.  A very good LC is also crucial, especially if you have preemies or one baby who does not latch so well.  I either burp one while the other is still nursing, one of mine is a slower lazier nurser, or burp them both after they have finished.  A good latch is key to tandem nursing I have found.  Also putting the stronger nurser to breast first works well so then you can position and work with the fussier or more difficult nurser while the other is happily feeding.  The first few times have someone help you position the babies to tandem it is less stressful until you get the hang of things, good luck :) 
    H: 34 dx Azoospermia due to CBAVD from CF  
    ME: 39 IS FINE!!!  DOR and poor AMH/FSH/LH
    IVF/ICSI/PESA #1 Beta 1 373 Beta 2 1783 BOY/GIRL TWINS!! Born April 2010!!
    Natural FET 5/26/12 2 blasts Beta 1 207 Beta 2 513 Beta 3 1377 U/S 6/28 Pregnancy not viable d & c scheduled :( 
    IVF/ICSI/PESA #2 ER 11/15/12 Nothing to transfer :( 
    IVF/ICSI #3 April 2013 MDLF 3dt of 3 embryos, chemical :(  
    IVF #4/ICSI/MESA/CCS/FET EPP April 2015
    ODWU CCRM with Dr. Sch COMPLETE!!!! Put on acai supplement they are studying for DOR and embryo quality.
    DAY 3 Labs Drawn 2/26 put on vitamin D and calcium supplements
    Regroup and Protocol Reveal 3/04 "Bazooka Protocol" EPP with MDLF "Protocol 6 with patches"
    ER/MESA 4/10 ER 9 eggs retrieved MESA success found live swimmers :)
    Fertilization Report 6 eggs mature and ICSI'd 4 eggs fertilized normally
    Day 6 Report to Blast for CCS 4/16: 2 DAY 5 BLASTS BIOPSIED FOR CCS a 4AB and a 3AB!!!!
    CCS Results BOTH BLASTS CCS NORMAL!!!!!!  call on 4/24
    Regroup call to discuss CCS results and FET call on 5/20
    FET prep: CD 1 6/08 CD 3 Start BCP 6/10, HSG 6/12 Lupron Start 10 iu 6/17 End BCP 6/21 CD 1 6/23!!!
    Start vivelle patches 6/25 change e/o/d reduce Lupron to 5iu 6/25 Blood Draw 7/01, 7/08, 7/15, 7/19
    Increase vivelle patches 7/03 2 change e/o/d and 7/05 change e/o/d 3 and 7/07 4 change e/o/d add vaginal estrace 2x a day
    Lining Check/Blood Draw 7/08 and 7/15 End Lupron 7/18  Start PIO 1ml daily 7/18  Blood  Draw 7/19
    Flight to clinic 7/22
    FET 2 CCS BLASTS :):)  7/23 :):) YES YES both thawed and both fully expanded :):)
    7/26 :):) 3dp5dt PM very very faint positive FRER
    7/27: 4dp5dt Neg Digi AM but very very faint positive FRER PM POSITIVE DIGI CLEARBLUE PREGNANT 1-2 :):) 
    7/31:8dp5dt AM POSITIVE DIGI CLEARBLUE PREGNANT 2-3!!!! :):) 
    Beta 1 8/01= 408!!!!!!!!!! at 9dp5dt FET
    Beta 2 8/03 = 1014!!!!!!!!!! at 11dp5dt FET
    8/05/2015 AM POSITIVE DIGI CLEARBLUE PREGNANT 3+!!!! :):) 
    First Ultrasound: 8/20!!!!!! TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Genetics says BOTH BOYS!!!!!!!!!
    Second Ultrasound: 9/03!!!!!!!!!!


  • one tip that took me a while to learn was to position both babies on the ez2 nurse pillow and then latch them. i don't know what i was thinking but i would get DS on the pillow and latch him then reach over for DD to pull her onto the pillow and latch her. DS just abour ripped my nipple off every time. finally it dawned on me that i should position the kids first and then latch. much easier.

    good luck

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