
Bed time Help, Pls!!

DDs have always been "easy" in terms of putting down for the one DD goes APE now when it's time for bed.

Here's our normal routine:

Bath, book, bottle--then put DDs in their cribs w/ paci and blanket, crank up mobiles, (sometimes) turn on noise machine and leave the room. They are normally out within a few minutes.

One DD now screams bloody murder in her crib--she sits herself up and just wails. Only when we hold her or put her in her swing is she "ok" and drifts off to sleep. We do NOT want this to become a normal routine...

ANY suggestions welcomed! 

p.s. She cut 4 teeth this past month so is that related to this fiasco??


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Re: Bed time Help, Pls!!

  • It could be related to the teething. We just went through this with DD, screamed bloody murder and the minute you picked her up, happy as can be, laughing and playing. After 3 nights of this and rocking, we CIO. I don't know if that is an option for you, but I would def. rule out teething, ear infection first. CIO worked for us, DS went down first, her crying never woke him up, by the 3rd night she went down with no fussing. We never had a problem with bedtime, we do drowsy, but awake, but then all of a sudden the screaming started, thankfully everything is back to normal now.
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  • whenever my girls are cutting teeth this happens...they also do this everytime they learn a new skill - sitting, crawling, standing, cruising...and of course ear infections cause the screaming times...GL!

    I say if you think it is related to teething, give it a few days...we co-sleep and/or rock them when one of them is having an especially tough time with teeth or settling down for a day or 2 and then they go right back in their cribs and do just fine (no bad habits so far)...sometimes its all about survival...and thats ok...

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