
XP: 21w belly!

Reposted from October Board..

I'm late posting, but I've been at the hospital all week with my mom. She had a heart attack and had to have a stent put in. She came home today and is doing really good!

Just wanted to show off my 21w twin belly :)


Re: XP: 21w belly!

  • you look great! i love belly pics!

    glad your mom is doing ok!

  • WOW! you do look great (OMG! I just realized how HUGE I am!)  LOL

    glad your mom is doing better...

    image Nicholas Jacob born on 06/30/2009, 9.5lbs and 21 1/4" long Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Joshua Scott 5.3lbs & Jonathan Matthew 6.2lbs, born 08/31/10 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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