
had my lap/hsy today

Thank you to all that answered all my questions last week and this about it. Things went well (doc talked to DH only, I have my follow up on 7/1 so will learn more. minor endo spots on tube, minor blockage of one tube that was cleared (probably scar tissue they think) and an adhesion that was removed.

initial report to DH was that we'll wait for AF and then RE wants us to try on own for two cycles (which is bizarre to me after all of this - but will ask more on 7/1),and then revisit IUI or onto IVF.

here is full post I did on ttcal if you're interested.

m/c#1 07/16/08 (11 weeks), m/c#2 10/10/08 (8 weeks). and then nothing since except every test possible (no answers). IUI#1 and #2: BFNs Super lucky to be buddies with Peetie. Our out of nowhere, surprise DD born 5/29/2011

Re: had my lap/hsy today

  • SLPMelSLPMel member
    I'm sure you are happy it is over!  Hope you start to feel better-my ob/gyn said that that first cycle after it is often very successful!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm so glad the procedure went well and I hope that you recover quickly. Good luck on your followup and your future cycles!!
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  • I'm glad it went well and they were able to clean up the endo that was there.  I have my lap at the end of July and the RE office won't allow me to do a med cycle for a least 6 weeks after.  I am allowed to try at home in the mean time.  I think it is because everything is still healing so they don't want to mess with your hormones that quickly afterwards.  Are you allowed to try at home in the meantime? 

    Twins:BabyFruit TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • yep - waiting til AF shows and then 2 cycles on own. I'm going to confirm this with RE when I see him for follow up on thursday.


    m/c#1 07/16/08 (11 weeks), m/c#2 10/10/08 (8 weeks). and then nothing since except every test possible (no answers). IUI#1 and #2: BFNs Super lucky to be buddies with Peetie. Our out of nowhere, surprise DD born 5/29/2011
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