Hi ladies. My cousin just had her baby at 33 weeks and is looking for permie sized pacis for when he comes home. I can't find any in the stores. Help?
Shocking surprise BFP 9/12/12
After 2 IUIs, 3 IVFs w/ICSI and 1 FET we have been blessed with a healthy baby girl born 26 August 2010!
I don't know how small he is but he probably doesn't even need a special preemie paci..? I mean, every baby is different but if she can't find them then it shouldn't be a big deal. Mine were born at 32 weeks and the NICU only gave DS a preemie paci when he was born @ 3lbs (DD was half a pound bigger and they didn't give her one). Then he only had it a few days until they gave him the regular newborn green soothie (which is what DD had from the start). When they came home at 36 weeks they could use newborn pacis just fine. Congrats to your cousin!!
I agree that she probably doesn't need preemie pacifiers. The boys were born at 30w3d and the left the NICU using the regular (not preemie) sized soothie pacifiers. You can buy those at Target. Also the NICU sent us home with a couple!
I looked for preemie pacifiers while in the NICU also. The reason you can't find them for sale is because there comes a certain point where they are supposed to transition to the regular newborn size, before they come home. So the hospital should provide the preemie size while needed and then switch to the regular soothie, which she'll need at home. You can buy them at Target, Walmart, BRU. We collected the ones that the nurses dropped because they'd grow them away. So we sanitized those to bring home and they gave us several new ones at discharge as well.
I agree with the other girls, she probably won't need a preemie pacifier for home. My LO was born at 31 weeks and only used a preemie pacifier for a couple weeks before he went to a regular sized one.
Re: Preemie Pacifiers
Babies R Us has some. Tell her also to ask one of the nurse in the NICU for one :+)
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10