Mine are in my siggy - Jack is the lab, shepherd, hound mix - he's just over 2 years old. He's one of 11 born in a shelter, they are all adorable, met all of them at their 1 year old birthday party.
Boo is our kitty, she's 8.5 years old. Jack is terrified of her, and jealous. She just swats at him like "dude, I was here first, don't bother me!"?
Re: Photo Poll: Furbabies
After 2+ years and multiple treatment cycles,
including an IVF vacation in Costa Rica/Panama,
IVF #2 brought us our miracle baby!
Surprise! Baby Boy is on the way!
All very cute!
Mine are in my siggy. The little guy is Gizmo and the big girl is Bisa.
He sure is!! DH was always a cocker person, he had them growing up. I didn't get it until I saw him and got him on the spot.
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
***My posts are always SAIFW**
Here are mine - Big dog is Lucy (airedale), Little dog is Brenna (mini schnauzer), black cat is Tia, black and white cat is Mimsy
I love my cocker! She is our baby girl, no discredit to the pug of course! She was an unplanned adoption, but once you see them, you can't resist!!
Blythe Elizabeth is here March 27,2012
Mine are in my siggy - Jack is the lab, shepherd, hound mix - he's just over 2 years old. He's one of 11 born in a shelter, they are all adorable, met all of them at their 1 year old birthday party.
Boo is our kitty, she's 8.5 years old. Jack is terrified of her, and jealous. She just swats at him like "dude, I was here first, don't bother me!"?