What would you choose?
Both my babies are head down and at 33 weeks they are already almost 6lbs each (Big Babies)! My pregnancy has gone great so far. I do have a heart condition where my blood pressure drops and my heart speeds up to compensate. My Dr. doesn't seem to think this will be an issue though?
At my last appoinment my Dr. said he would recommend I try for the vaginal delivery. However, he said if I would prefer a C-section they would be ok with that too.
This is my first pregnancy and I have to be honest I am a bit terrified! There are many pros and cons to each. Some of my fears with a C-Section are: -obviously surgery, healing time, breastfeeding twins after c-section (will it be painful). Some of my fears with a V-Birth: -THE PAIN, That I will end up having both a vaginal delivery and a c-section (which I don't want), giving birth to two big babies, that it will be a long delivery.
I am SO excited and know whatever happens will be for the best. However, if you had the choice what would you choose and why? Thanks for the advice!
Re: What would you choose?
all i can say is that i LOVED my c/s compared to my vaginal birth of my singleton (i had a 4th degree tear - it was HORRIBLE to recover from- i still have issues 3yrs later that require surgery)..... my c/s with the twins was CAKE to recover from compared to the vaginal tear. (and how horribly achy my entire body was from pushing out a baby - it's amazing how you truly use every muscle in your body!).
i never considered a vag birth for the twins.
I nursed easily after the c/s - it was no more painful than nursing after a vag birth... they were on pillows and i was on meds.
The boys were my first pregnancy as well so I had no idea what to expect, but I wanted a vaginal delivery.
I hear that the chances of having a v-birth and a c-section are very slim, but it does happen.
I did have a vaginal delivery for both boys and everything went well- GL with your decision
IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
I was one of the unlucky ones who tried for a v-birth and ended up with a c-section due to failure to progress (22 hours of labor, 3 of which were pushing). Although it would have been quicker and easier to go straight for the c-section, and although yes it was painful - and I took every drug they offered me because I'm a big ole wuss lol - I don't regret trying for the v-birth and would do it again in a heartbeat. Recovery from a c-section isn't the end of the world, but it's not pleasant either, and makes things like BFing or even just carrying your babies difficult for the first couple of weeks (and leaning over to lift them out of a crib hurts like a mofo).
My boys were both just under 7lbs at birth, so very similar in size to your babies - I know they seem huge to push out your vajayjay, but they're still smaller than the average baby (8.5lbs, I think?).