
For momto3cats

I received my medicine today also. 

Are you on BC? if so when is your last one? 

When is your baseline appt?  Mine is Wed July 30th.

 Its great to have a cycle buddy!!  I believe Mrs.P is also cycling at the sametime!!

Blythe Elizabeth is here March 27,2012
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Re: For momto3cats

  • Yes, I'm on BC, my last one is July 3rd and I start Lupron on July 1st.

    I have to call the day I get my period to schedule the baseline, but, beause of the PGD scheduling, I have to start stimming no later than July 7th (so, assuming my E2 is normal, I'll start stimming even if I never get AF).

    My tentative ER is July 18th, so it looks like you are a little ahead of me.  I think there are a few of us who are within a few days of each other in terms of cycling.

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