
1st timer - HELP!

Hi! I just want to thank everyone in advance for any advice they give! No one in my family has ever breastfed so I figured who better to ask than you guys.  I have a few 'last minute' questions before my baby comes. Do not feel obligated to answer all of them. :) Here they are....

1) If my breasts don't leak in the few days/weeks before birth, does this mean I won't be able to bf?

2) I am going shopping today for nursing bras - Any suggestions on stores, brands, type, size, etc.? I was a 34A pre-preg and am a 36B at the moment.

3) I did take a breastfeeding class but it was a few months ago - I was thinking of going to a LaLecheLeague meeting before baby arrives.  Anyone have any experience with this? do you think it would be beneficial?

4) I am going to purchase the Pump in Style Advance - any different recommendations? Also, has anyone heard of your insurance paying for your pump if you buy it from the hospital, can you buy them from the hospital?? 

5) Not a specific question, but if you have any other advice or info I should know, please feel free to tell me.

 Agian, thanks to all who reply! I really appreciate it. :) 

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Re: 1st timer - HELP!

  • 1)  No, I didn't leak, and I'm at 6 months BF

    2)  I wouldn't buy a bunch.  Buy a couple of the sleep bras (more comfie when you're engorged, imo) that can accomodate stretching.  Wait until your milk comes in before buying more than a couple bras.

    3)  It might be.  Also see if your Hospital has a LC on staff.  Ours did, and she was great.  They also had weekly BF group meeting thingys, where you could go to socialize, get help, etc.

    4)  I love my PISA.  LOVE.  It depends on your insurance.  Call them, see what they cover (if anything).

    5)  Drink lots of water, get sleep, and don't get discouraged.  It's hard at first, but it does get easier.

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  • 1) If my breasts don't leak in the few days/weeks before birth, does this mean I won't be able to bf?  Leaking doesn't mean anything in regards to wether you can nurse or not.  Just try to relax and let nature help you out once your LO arrives.

    2) I am going shopping today for nursing bras - Any suggestions on stores, brands, type, size, etc.? I was a 34A pre-preg and am a 36B at the moment. I would buy 1 or 2 nursing bras in the size you are now and a couple nursing tank tops from Target and then wait to see what size you are after baby is born and your milk comes in

    3) I did take a breastfeeding class but it was a few months ago - I was thinking of going to a LaLecheLeague meeting before baby arrives.  Anyone have any experience with this? do you think it would be beneficial?  I didn't take any classes but if you want to I can't see why it would hurt.

    4) I am going to purchase the Pump in Style Advance - any different recommendations? Also, has anyone heard of your insurance paying for your pump if you buy it from the hospital, can you buy them from the hospital?? I used a Medela pump both tiimes I nursed and it was fine.  Some insurance companies will pay for the pump just call them and ask and also ask at the hospital after you have LO. Sometimes a dr needs to write a RX at the hospital for them to cover it.

    5) Not a specific question, but if you have any other advice or info I should know, please feel free to tell me.  Make sure to ask for help at the Hospital from a LC, don't hold in questions because you are afraid that it is stupid or wasting there time.  They are there to help you and the sooner you get a great latch the sooner you have a happy baby and mommy.

    Best of luck to you and your LO!  Breastfeeding is a great thing for mommy and baby, but also remember if it doesn't work for any reason you are doing what is best for your baby.  A happy baby and happy mommy is the most important thing.

     Agian, thanks to all who reply! I really appreciate it. :) 

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  • 1. I don't think leaking has anything to do with if your milk will come in or not. I didn't really notice leaking and I was able to (and still am) bf'ing.
    2. I'd wait to buy a bra. I bought two and they're the wrong size. :( I did also get a Medela sleep bra though, and that fit. I started wearing it the second day in the hospital.
    3. I don't know.
    4. Our hospital had a little store with bf'ing supplies. I bought my pump in style at BRU with a 20% off coupon though. I've heard of some insurance companies paying for pumps, but I don't know how that all works. I love my pump.
    5. Bf'ing can be hard at first. It's a huge commitment. I love it now, but there were a few times I wanted to give up early on. Newborns have tiny stomachs and breastmilk practically goes right through them. So at first it'll seem like you're always nursing. Especially during a growth spurt. But it gets easier as time goes on. Definitely meet with a lactation consultant if they have them at your hospital. They were a huge help to me. Also is a great site with lots of info.
    Good luck! And come back with any questions or if you need support! This is a great board!
    Sorry for any typos, I'm on my phone. :)
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  • AlikiAliki member

    1) If my breasts don't leak in the few days/weeks before birth, does this mean I won't be able to bf?
    No. Mine didn't leak. LO is EBF and 10 weeks old

    2) I am going shopping today for nursing bras - Any suggestions on stores, brands, type, size, etc.? I was a 34A pre-preg and am a 36B at the moment.
    I would buy nursing tanks (Target ones are great) as you'll experience engorgement, swelling, size changes PP. Wait1 month before investing in expensive nursing bras.

    3) I did take a breastfeeding class but it was a few months ago - I was thinking of going to a LaLecheLeague meeting before baby arrives.  Anyone have any experience with this? do you think it would be beneficial?
    Couldn't hurt!! Smile

    4) I am going to purchase the Pump in Style Advance - any different recommendations? Also, has anyone heard of your insurance paying for your pump if you buy it from the hospital, can you buy them from the hospital??
    I have PISA. Love it. My insurance wont pay for it unless LO was in NICU or cannot latch.

    5) Not a specific question, but if you have any other advice or info I should know, please feel free to tell me.
    The early weeks are HARD. You will be sleep deprived, exhausted, soaked in spit-up, hungry, and your crotch (if you get stitches) will feel like it's on fire. Don't give up. Set a goal for yourself, say 6 weeks, and dont make decisions to quit till you reach 6 weeks. It gets so much better and easier with time!

    TTC #1 since 2007. Dx: Unexplained infertility. 4 IUIs in 2008 = BFN. IVF #1 07/09. DD #1 born April 2010 (40w5d).
    TTC #2 since 2011. Dx: Endometriosis and hypothyroidism. 2 FETs in 2012, BFP 6/12 but m/c @ 7 weeks. IVF #2 06/13. DD #2  born March 2014 (40w1d).
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  • thanks everyone! sometimes you just need some reassurance. :)
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  • You've gotten lots of helpful answers so I won't repeat.

    I don't remember where I got this advice (maybe Dr Sears Breastfeeding Book) but it really helped. I set up a comfy chair with pillows for my back, Boppy for baby, a nursing stool to keep my feet raised, snacks and waterbottle on a table within reach for me and a basket of washcloths for messes, flower arrangement in view, made a mixed cd of sweet, soothing songs...I created a breastfeeding sanctuary. A few days in, after me calling my hubbie in ever so often for help, he went and bought me a little bell so that I could call him in without yelling out. I spent countless hours there and it was really nice that it was a pleasurable place to be. I also started listening to audiobooks. This REALLY helped keep my mind occupied and my body still during those growth spurt times when we were nursing what felt non-stop.

    I hope that your breastfeeding experience is wonderful!

  • 1) I didn't leak but I had to have a c-section at 38wks

    2) I just had nursing tanks from target for the month following.. it wasn't till about 7wks post birth I got my 'big girl' (38H) nursing bra!!

    3) I went to a LL meeting... sad to say I was disspointed.. but found a local hospital from my pediatrician that did weekly BF'ing support group.. LOVED IT.. went every week for 14wks till I had to return to work.  They were beyond words fabulous and meet new friends.

    4) I rented the symphony (mack daddy) pump from the hospital for the first month.. I needed it since DS was lazy and wouldn't latch, but I (and my LC) attribute my great supply to it.. Once he latched I didn't really pump so I didn't buy my Medeal freestyle till I was about 6.5wks post birth

    5) ladies here recommended the book "so that's what they're for"... WONDERFUL advise.. everything in it made so much sense when you read it e.g putting the full areola and nipple in the mouth, it's called breast feeding, not nipple feeding..

    But as one lactation nurse told me when I had to return that mack daddy pump... "breast feeding is 95% persaverance"... I totally agree!

    Good luck to you and your LO, just think to yourself, you CAN do it!!


  • imagejessielegendre:

    Hi! I just want to thank everyone in advance for any advice they give! No one in my family has ever breastfed so I figured who better to ask than you guys.  I have a few 'last minute' questions before my baby comes. Do not feel obligated to answer all of them. :) Here they are....

    1) If my breasts don't leak in the few days/weeks before birth, does this mean I won't be able to bf?  Totally unrelated.  I never leaked before I had DD and luckily I didn't leak much after the first few weeks either.  I have a great supply and we're at 7 1/2 months now. 

    2) I am going shopping today for nursing bras - Any suggestions on stores, brands, type, size, etc.? I was a 34A pre-preg and am a 36B at the moment.  Just buy a "transition" bra if you can find one.  The Bravado Bodysilk is awesome.  You can get it at if no stores in your area carry them.  Basically, it's a transition bra because even though it's supportive (I am a 34 E and wear one every night to bed and when I am around the house, I prefer underwires for work) it is stretchy enough it will fit when your boobs get crazy big when your milk comes in.  It is also wonderful for sleeping in.  Wait at least 3 weeks after LO is born to go buy new bras because it takes your breasts that long to "regulate". 

    3) I did take a breastfeeding class but it was a few months ago - I was thinking of going to a LaLecheLeague meeting before baby arrives.  Anyone have any experience with this? do you think it would be beneficial?  Can't hurt.  Also, did DH go with you to the BF class?  If not, make him sit down with you and go over the materials so he knows how it works and what is going on.  You will NEED him to be supportive and helpful the first few weeks because BFing can be hard.  You also need him to remind you that you want to do this.  If you are really serious, don't even bring home the formula samples from the hospital, ask the nurses to give them to needy families.  Also, tell DH that when you get upset and want to quit, he shouldn't say "do you want to do formule" but instead should say something like "it will be ok, how can I help you?"   Ditto for your mom, sisters, MIL etc. who will be around helping.

    Also, if you might want to find a certified lacation consultant (LC) in your area now and call her and find out what her prices are etc. and if you like her (if not, find another one) so that if you have problems you don't have to scramble to find someone.  The certified part is important, not all of them are and it can make a big difference. 

    4) I am going to purchase the Pump in Style Advance - any different recommendations? Also, has anyone heard of your insurance paying for your pump if you buy it from the hospital, can you buy them from the hospital??  I have the Medela Freestyle.  Basically the same but smaller and has a rechargable battery.  I love it but I work full time and I was lucky enough to be able to afford it.  It's really just a convenience issue.   Keep in mind, unless told to do so by a certified LC or because you have to supplement LO w/ bottles of BM, you DO NOT need to even think about pumping for the first 3 or 4 weeks.  I didn't and my supply is fine.  DD got a bottle once a day from DH starting at 4 weeks until I went back to work when she was 12 weeks and she does just fine while I am at work. 

    5) Not a specific question, but if you have any other advice or info I should know, please feel free to tell me.

    You need to let your doctor and the hospital staff know you want to BF before LO is born and then you don't want LO to have pacifiers or bottles.  DH needs to be the enforcer on these things, you will be too tired and vunerable after LO is born to deal with it.  If your hospital has lactation consultants, let your nurse know you want to see one so she can check LO's latch etc.  Discuss what your hospital's policies are with your doctor now.  Ideally, as soon as LO is born, he will be be placed on your chest and you will nurse him immediately.  Babies have a window of about 1 hour after they are born where they are alert and willing to nurse.  It's important that they do.  Even if they don't place LO on your chest immediately, you should nurse him before he is bathed (wiped off is ok, your scent on him is important) and swaddled.  You will not have milk yet, you will only have colostrum.  That is normal and it is all LO needs.  You can find more specifics on about colostrum and when a baby might need supplements of formula in the hospital.  I would highly recommend having LO in your room with you and not in the nursery.  That way, whenever he cries to be fed you are right there and the nurses don't even have the option of giving him formula. 

    It is normal for a BF baby to lose up to 10% of his birthweight before leaving the hospital.  What is important is how many wet/dirty diapers he's having a day and if he's gaining weight.  Also, make sure now that your pediatrician is on board with breastfeeding.  If not, you might want to switch pedis.  Sorry, I know this is a lot.  Good luck, it's hard but you can do it!!

     Agian, thanks to all who reply! I really appreciate it. :) 

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