DH and I are going back and forth as to how to spell the our lo's name if it is a girl...what do you think? The second is the more traditional french spelling. Also going back and forth on the pronunciation we like Mad-a-line Mad-a-lane not Mad-a-lynn...thoughts?
Madeline Jeannette
Madeleine Jeannette
Re: name spelling?
This might be a dialect thing, around here the "american" version of Madeleine is pronounced Mad-a-lane
It is my understanding that Madeline is MAD-UH-LINE and Madeleine is MAD-UH-LYN.
I like both spellings, but to me it depends on the pronunciation.
? Kristen & Austin ~ Married 07.04.09 ?
What about Madaline like the character in the book?
This spelling you are sure to get others to pronounce it the way you like.