South Florida Babies

Happy Friday!!!!

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I am so excited that the weekend starts in just a few hours. :) Going to the mall during lunch to check out the Childrens Place sale.

YAY for Fridays!

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Re: Happy Friday!!!!

  • Happy Friday!

    I have a 1/2-day today and will be spending the afternoon shopping - alone. Yay. Tomorrow is my 6-year anniversary so I have to find a present for my hubby.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • Heading out now to get a few things for tonight's gtg :)  My mom is coming to pick up Alexis this afternoon yay!

    Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to go hang out with some friends and watch the USA game!!!!!

    Sunday, I think I'll just relax and recuperate!

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  • Happy Friday!

    I start vacation today at 4pm and am out all next week - woohoo!  I can't wait because the last 3 weeks have been super tiring and stressful at work - I need a break.

    This weekend we're hitting the beach and then next week we are doing stulff around town - I want to go to the Seaquarium.  The following weekend we are going to Metro Zoo to take advantage of the $5 entrance fee for their 30th anniversary.  The rest of the week I am thinking of something each day - I told DH that I didn't want to sit at home watching tv during this staycation.  Oh and one day my parents are babysitting so DH and I can spend the whole day together :-)

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  • Good morning! TGIF!

    I had a super short week since I was on vacay on Mon-Wed., so this weekend got here really quickly - yay! Tomorrow we have a doggie birthday party at Tropical Park which we're taking both Chewy and Elmo to - I'm so excited! Chewy loves the dog park and Elmo has never been. And hopefully I can be out of there in time to catch the USA game. Sunday we have no plans - which I'm so thankful for because frankly I'm still exhausted from our trip.



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  • Happy Friday..

    I want to go shopping!!! I guess you actually have to have money though.. :)

    I have no real plans this weekend.. which will be nice.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend..


  • Happy Friday!

    After Play Together Learn Together class tomorrow morning we should come back home, relax and stay away from the mall!  I feel so tempted to check out The Children's Place sale, but we just came back from vacation and I bought her a whole bunch of clothes from Zara baby, oh but I keep on thinking 70% off, too tempting!

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  • Happy Friday Ladies!

    Well today is our 5 year anniversary and my IL's have planned a huge party for tomorrow. They celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary as well. Happy to see so much family and friends coming but freaking out about how I'm going to manage to stay awake. lol That's basically it for me this weekend but with intentions of getting much rest. Looks like DH is dyeing to spill the beans to his parents tomorrow, so I'm sure they are in store for a major heart attack of excitement. Just praying all continues to go well. That's all I can ask for.

  • TGIF!

    I took Liev to the pool today and he loved it.  I'm looking forward to the GTG tonight and we have to pick up a produce order from the farm tomorrow morning. That's it, no other plans.  Money is a bit tight over the summer since I don't have my VA student income so we sorta have to keep it nice and cheap.

  • I really wanted to make it to the gtg tonight, but it looks like it won't happen.

    Ikea is having a sale, so DH wants to go tonight to check it out.  We also have to pass by our condo this evening and finish moving all our stuff out. We got an offer on it, so hopefully that transaction will move along quickly. Tomorrow, we need to clear out the mountain of cardboard boxes that has accumulated on our side yard from the move and all the furniture we've bought.  We'll probably have to rent a U-haul to take it to the dump.  So exciting!  What I'm really looking forward to is my friend's cocktail baby shower tomorrow night.  It should be a lot of fun.  Her family throws really good parties and we haven't partied in a looooong time.  Sunday will most likely be a family day at our house.   

  • Happy Friday!!  I'm sooo happy that its Friday - taking the kids to My Gym tonight.  Tomorrow we have a GTG with the kids' school in the morning and B-Day Party in the afternoon.  Sunday - just relax around the house.  Enjoy your weekend ladies!!
  • I LOVE fridays!!  Esp since I don't work!!  hehe :) Had an U/S this morning little guy is 2lbs 9oz and he has flipped to breech!! Hoping this is a temp position for him!!!  Went to the Gym after... then got a mani/pedi...then had a Wendys burger!! It was YUMMMY(glad I went to the gym before!)  Now I want a nap!!  Hubby's aunt and cousins are in town so will probably hang with them some, but no real plans.  Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • AlbahAlbah member
    Yay to weekends!!! Had my family medicine residency graduation tonight which was great! Tomorrow night is my sister's engagement party and Sunday is our baby shower!!!! :)
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    BFP #4: 05/23/12, EDD: 01/31/12, Early MC at 5 wks

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    Cycle #1(08/2012): Clomid 50 mg CD3-7, Ovidrel CD13 + Progesterone = It worked!
    BFP #5 on 09/10/12 (11 DPO). HCG #1 @ 14DPO = 131.6 HCG #2 @ 16DPO = 509
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