Blood platelet counts were too low to have my last chemo today. They are too high for another transfusion, but too low for treatment (I was at a 77 and they need to be at least 100). I was very depressed about this all day, but obviously I want to be in the best shape possible for chemo so I don't suffer any major complications.
I go back for more labs on Monday and depending on the trend of my platelets, the final chemo will be either next Thursday or the following week.
Re: XP: NBR - Didn't have my final chemo today... =(
Oh Ebb. That is disappointing. I am sorry it's not over yet, but I hope it's over soon.
Thank you for keeping us posted over here too! I have missed you.
Gosh, that is so disappointing. I am so sorry. I know you want this all behind you, and I hope that you get your wish SOON!
It's still almost over though (to try and look on the bright side), and you'll be having your party before you know it.
Thanks for keeping up updating, and please continue to do so.