Okay, that looks disgusting, but I do miss Friendly's... they have awesome watermelon sherbet in the summertime and I love their quesadillas... I miss home!
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Just a couple weeks ago I was watching some food show...about the best sandwiches in the USA....and there was a restaurant (not a chain) that did a sandwich like that burger with grilled cheese sandwiches for the bread...supposedly it was amazing. I'm full just looking at it!
Re: Remember my grilled cheese poll?
Speaking of grilled cheese, this was in our local paper today and we all were like WHAT?
A hamburger with grilled cheese sandwhiches for buns!!! Article was titled Death on a bun.
Open wide? Friendly's Grilled Cheese Burger Melt is even worse for you than KFC's Double Down
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Thank you IVF for our little miracles!!