
Gotcha day...maybe a bit AW

Today marks one year since we first held our DS.  I cannot believe how time has flown by and what a different space my life and head are in these days.  Our actual adoption process was relatively quick (by adoption standards) but our path to get there was years.  I read so many posts here that I could have (and in some cases did) written, and now I feel overwhelmed with emotion once again as I think back to the first moments, when the orphanage worker (our stork) placed a 6 month old bundle in my arms and said 'this is your son'.  I am typically a woman of MANY words and they all fall short.

Have a great day ladies.  My joy and celebration are with all of you who are being matched and finalized and my tears and prayers are with you who are still waiting.  May we all have wonderful celebrations in the days to come!! 

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