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Sex with a purpose?

Hello!  I'm new... I'm Ann, 34 years old and married for 4 years.  Yes, it took us a while to be ready for baby, so here we go...  This is the first month we've been trying, and already "sex with a purpose" rather than just sex for fun seems mechanical.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  I thought that may happen after we've been trying for a while, but it's only the first month and already, I miss romantic sex that we have simply because we're in the mood... Help!  Thanks :)

Re: Sex with a purpose?

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    Hi and Welcome!

    Yeah that happens when people start really TTC. A lot of people describe it as being a chore more than anything. But the key is to create those little moments here and there to make it not all about conceiving. Different couples have different ways of doing this, but try switching up the position, adding alcohol, sexy lingerie, something...anything!

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    Then go back to romantic sex. Unless you've been trying for a while or have known issues, there's no need to go straight to timing sex just so.
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    I understand completely! I had timed down my fertile period and everyday like clockwork we would DTD. I say just don't think about it and enjoy romantic sex.
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    Yes, this has happened to us.  We just have to find fun ways to spice things up.
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