
Intimacy During Multiples Pregnancy

Okay, so this is a weird question, but I am wondering about intimacy during pregnancy (especially multiples pregnancy).  Obviously it's safe to do stuff for DH, but I am wondering about sex and pleasure for myself.  Did anyone abstain during pregnancy or did you feel it was fine to do things just like normal.  I am just wondering because I get mixed things when I search on the Internet - "sex/orgasms are safe for normal pregnancies, but multiples aren't normal pregnancies."

Re: Intimacy During Multiples Pregnancy

  • Our ob said pretty much "normal" was crazy stuff though (made me wonder how many times he's had to tell that to patients). I'm just not interested though...poor Dh.
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  • If you're having a normal, uncomplicated pregnancy, there is no reason why you can't.  Whether or not you feel like it is another story
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  • We were on restriction during my first tri, and I really haven't felt like doing much of anything since around week 26. I just can't figure out how to be comfortable where I would enjoy it, and I'm not interested. A few times I would have some cramping after sex, and at this point in my pregnancy I am also too worried about sex bringing on contractions.
  • My doc said it was fine all the way through as long as I was comfortable. Unfortunately by 17 weeks the pain and pressure in my pelvic area made it very uncomfortable and I think we have had sex only once since then. Ask your doc next time you go.
  • My OB/MFM said it was fine...

    But in the beginning we were too afraid to (took us 4 IVFs to get preg), then we had a brief window and now I'm too uncomfortable to.

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  • Thanks everyone.  I am almost 21 weeks and we've abstained (minus DH getting his needs met) since we found out we were pregnant.  At my 18 week ultrasound my cervix was 4cm and thick (apparantly good).  I just am still concerned about doing something that could lead to preterm labor down the road.  I just want to be as safe as possible.  I guess I could ask my doctor on Friday.  It sounds like it will be fine according to what you guys said.  Thanks!
  • My doctor told us no intercourse from 28-34 weeks and we could resume normal activity after that but after 34 is just too awkward, uncomfortable, and takes too much energy
  • Mine says no from 22-34 due to risk of preterm labor.  Each doc is different and just ask yours! 
    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
  • We were told no sex when I went to L&D for PTL.  My OB said no lovins until 36w aft er that.  We only had sex a hand full of times this pg because I was just too big. 

  • My OB hasn't given any restrictions, but I'm really not feeling it lately. All bump/boobs and awkward.
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  • Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, you can do get it on just like you usually do (assuming you don't hang from chandeliers lol). That said, it will probably get uncomfortable fairly early on - I don't think we had much sex after 6 months or so, because it was just too awkward and uncomfortable for me.
  • My doc never really put us on restrictions, but DH and I tried for one last time last week and it was a complete failure.  It's just too akward now ...
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