Jake started rolling back to belly about a month ago, but forgot how to roll from belly to back at the same time. We still swaddle him to get him to sleep because he moves so much when we try to get him to sleep that he keeps himself awake. He usually gets his arms out of the swaddle while he is sleeping but can stay asleep that way.
He started rolling to his belly in the crib this weekend but was only doing it once he woke up and his arms were out. Yesterday he started rolling himself over while he was asleep which wakes him up usually, but last night he stayed alseep while he rolled over and this morning he managed to get himself rolled over with his arms still in the swaddle so he couldn't even push up. So we decided that the swaddle needs to be gone.
Any ideas on how to get him to fall asleep without the swaddle? (Or how to keep him on his back, but I figure that is a lost cause.)
Re: Moms- Sleep help
Ditto, and then you can just swaddle his legs.
Or just go cold turkey and see how it goes. That is what we did and it was fine, but my LO is a champion sleeper.
Did he have any problems falling asleep? That is going to be the hard part, he just moves his arms all over the place when we rock him to sleep. (He won't fall asleep on his own)
He never really went to sleep on his own, even when we were swaddling. Its only lately that he's started going to sleep on his own (and even then I have to be in the room or I have to sneak out).
I would rock him and then lay him down drowsy and pat his bum until he was out. Around 6 months, he just fought me when I rocked him so I would just lay him down and pat his bum.
Thanks ladies! Looks like we will be trying to sleep without the swaddle tonight. I guess just another step in my baby growing up, how sad!
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