
Wow, there are some NASTY people in the world

I was looking around for some sites for step parents.  Thought I may be able to get some advise on how to help ss deal with his virtually non-existant mother (in addition to counseling, of course).  The first site I found is chock full of woman who obviously hate their step children and should not have ever married someone with kids. 

I always thought the evil step mother was just a firy tale but I guess not!

Re: Wow, there are some NASTY people in the world

  • There are tons of nasty of people out there.

    Can the counselor help you find some someone to relate to?

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • We are in such a strange postion that I'm not sure there really is any one I can relate to! 
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  • That's awful!

    Not totally unrelated, but DD commented last night that "stepmothers are mean."  "No, sweetie, wicked stepmothers in Disney movies are mean." (then I tried to explain what a stepmother really was) "Most stepmothers are very nice."   I hope I wasn't lying to her.  Sad

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  • There are some crappy ones, but there are fantastic ones too.  I have several friends who have married 1, 2 or more kids, and pretty much have full time custody and they are wonderful parents.

    Hope you find a less crappy group.

  • I have one of those stepmothers.  She has gotten much better in the last couple of years, but it was not good for a long time.  If she could just have her "own" family with my dad, she would be thrilled.

    It really sucks.

  • There are always some, but I belong to an awesome stepparenting group.  It's password protected and each person is called and verified before you get admission.  It's a safe place.  Some people are still not happy to be stepparents, but it's not the majority.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • Oddly it's the real mom in my family that is sucky, too.  My 3 older siblings are step.  My oldest sis has decided her mom is psycho and really doesn't talk to her, calls my mom "mom" instead.  She's there for her, her mom, uhh no.

    The good ones are out there.  You'll find some, but you might need help.  Anyone at the school able to help out ?

  • Yes, the school has been very helpful with counselors, etc. 

    I personally know a ton of really good step moms.  These particular women scared me. 

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