...not use a name because it was already used in your family? Ex.- when I was pregnant with DS I really liked the name Matthew, but my BF has a brother named Matthew. I really didnt want to "name my child after him" so we chose a different name.
Also, I tried to not use a name that has already been used in my family...but this is just me. Has anyone had a problem like this? Or am I the only one who doesnt want to repeat names?
(Grandparents are ok tho! I just mean like cousins or siblings I dont name after)
Re: would you...
after anovulatory diagnosis and TTC for 1 1/2yrs with several medicated cycles and one chemical pregnancy, we have our first bundle of joy!
#2 EDD 2/5/13 dx with anti-BIG E antibody, seeing a MFM
I don't take one single minute for granted.
We didn't want to repeat names either. We had to eliminate:
Andrew - my cousin
Joshua - my cousin
Nicholas - my brother
We were considering Connor though which a cousin of DH's recently named her baby, but we didn't take that one out of the running. For one, we never see them. I've met them once and DH hasn't seen them in 10+ years. Plus, I guess it is different if it is a baby for some reason. In the other instances, it almost seems like you're naming the baby after the adult (even if you really aren't...).
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
No- I didn't consider names of people in our family. While I dont' feel they are "off limits", per se, at the same time, I feel there are plenty of other names to choose from.
That being said, if there was a specific reason why I wanted to "repeat" a name, I may have. Hypothetical, but if I had a grandfather I was REALLY close to and I wanted to name my son after him - if someone else had already been named after him, OR if there were somone on DH's side w/ that name - I don't know if that would stop me from using it if it truly have very personal meaning to me.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
I agree with this.
I agree with this.
I think that is a little extreme especially with a common name. If it was a very unique name then I wouldn't use it because it would be obvious where the name came from. But for names like, Michael, John, Matthew - they are fair game.