
need nap help!

these kids are the incredible non sleeping babies - during the day.  I don't know what to do so I need any suggestions on getting them to nap in the afternoon time.  In the morning they get up, they eat, they play in their seats for a bit and fall off.  I think because this is a routine, they know they need to nap.  it lasts anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hrs, but mostly 2 hrs.  after that it is  a MESS.  they eat at 11, 3 bottles, 10 and 4 cereal so we have that routine, but for some reason, getting them to take a nap in the afternoon is hellish.  they seem ok for a while - playing and happy but because of the lack of nap, they both are exhausted at like 4 and won't go down.  crying and beyond.  at this point do I just put them down and try letting them cry for a bit or the 3, minute, 5 minute 10 minute thing (i thought they were too young for that, but I know they need the sleep.  Do I start putting them in the crib or bassinet to nap and just keep trying it until they sleep?  the other caveat is that they do GREAT at night, DD gets up once to feed now and DS sleeps through. they go down drowsy and never fuss at bedtime, so I fear making their crib a "bad experience" during nap time.  If anyone has any ideas, books etc, that would help. I have read a ton of books, but most address nighttime sleep and we don't have that issue (thankfully!) 

please see below for edited info.  i do put them down at one ish.  it just doesnt take

Re: need nap help!

  • Are they too big for swaddling? Or might something like the Woombie help settle them down (our boys love them, although they fussed when we first got them)?
  • My guess is you're waiting too long to put them down; it sounds like they're getting overtired and that's why they won't settle down. Is the 4:00 nap their second nap or third of the day? I would actually try putting them down for their afternoon nap sometime between 1 and 2. I highly recommend Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child for help with sleep issues.


    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • Afternoon nap time for us was the hardest.  I had no problem getting them down for for an hour in the morning and they both have been STTN since 5 months.  The afternoons that I am home (I go to work M-Thurs) I put them down and let them cry until they fall asleep.  I decided I would keep them in their cribs for an hour, even if they cried the whole time and I would go in every 5-10 min to reassure them.  They are finally now taking afternoon naps for about 90 minutes and go down relatively quickly.  It also helps that they are more active so they wear themselves out. 
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  • if 4pm isn't the third nap of the day then you are definetly putting htem down too late for their afternoon nap...even if they don't *seem* tired, I would still put them down around 1pm for an afternoon girls have been doing 9am & 1pm for naps for forever...and when they need it they go down for a third power nap around 4ish...GL!

  • sorry I wasnt clear.  I do put them down at 12 one ish, but they will not go... at all. carry on, want to play, cry etc.  that is why I was asking for the advice. 4pm is the time thet fall out since they are over tired by that point.  thanks also to the reply re healthy sleep habits book.  already read it and its no help with naps for us since we follow that schedule already and i cant get them to go down.
  • Did you read the relevant trouble-shooting sections of HSHHC? Are you putting them down around 1 when they start to show drowsy cues? Do you help them wind down a little bit before naptime? Do you leave them in the crib for an hour so they start to get used to "This is naptime"?
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • for the most part.  I put them down about 12 ish (it depends on when their morning nap starts/ends) trying for no more than two hours of wakefullness like most of the books say.  I put them in their basinetts for naps since I don't want to ruin my night time crib expereince because when I put them in the crib, they cry like nuts.  I put on lullaby music and or the sleep sheep. the only thing I don't do is leave them there for an hour since I had thought they were too young for CIO (my dr. keeps telling me 6 months) do you think I should let them?  Im at my wits end.  Its not good for them at all (or my sanity) like right now they have been in there for 20 minutes.  one is playing which is fine.  the other is screaming bloody murder.  I also tried rocking them both in their seats for 20 minutes before I started this.  (that is where they take their momrning nap) I should also add that at night they go right down and self sooth and I have no problems during the night like this.  so they know how to do it, they just don't seem to do it during the day
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