Well I guess I should say 34w 5d appt - anyway. Both babies look good but are in strange positions (a non-issue b/c I am having a repeat c/s). Baby A (our boy) is estimated at 5 lbs 7 oz and Baby B (our girl) is estimated to be around 5 lbs 11 oz. Apparently two weeks ago when they measured somewhat sidcordant it was because the measurements were not as accurate. Both babies cooperated today and we got good looks and measurements. Relief for me as I was a little freaked out 2 weeks ago!
My cervix is still closed and I haven't slept through the night in months. I am trying not to think about the pain but I hit (and bounced off of) the wall a while ago!
Re: 35 week appt update
Everything sounds great! I'm just starting to feel your pain. It's not longer now mama. Keep up the good work! : )
Good news! I hear you on the not sleeping part - some nights are better than others for me but the worst night are when I'm up every hour or more.
I have an ultrasound today to check on my boys growth & weight and can't wait - praying they are still growing well.