
Car seat gurus - a ?

I had posted recently about deciding on getting a second seat for DS or not. DH and I have decided that it's best if we just have two sets of seats for the kids. It'll just make life easier. We already have two seats for DD, but we only have one for DS.

DS's current seat is a Britax Frontier and we will keep that in my car. Can you recommend a second (more inexpensive, yet highly rated) seat for DS? He's 4, weighs about 38 lbs, and is 50% for height. I had decided against the Graco Nautilus for DS because the distance from the back of the seat to the buckle was uncomfortable to him. DS will only be in this seat occasionally, and for shorter trips. WIll the nautilus be okay for that?

I am just stuck on what to do. Thoughts?


Re: Car seat gurus - a ?

  • We have two Nautiluses....and DS is big  (45#, 42") but has never complained about the crotch strap.  I think it would be fine, especially on an occasional basis (or just short rides. 

    Evenflo has the Maestro...harnesses to 50 lbs, the booster....that is about $70.  That would probably be sufficient (given all seats pass the same testing in order to make it to consumers). 


  • imagejettagurl:

    We have two Nautiluses....and DS is big  (45#, 42") but has never complained about the crotch strap.  I think it would be fine, especially on an occasional basis (or just short rides. 

    Evenflo has the Maestro...harnesses to 50 lbs, the booster....that is about $70.  That would probably be sufficient (given all seats pass the same testing in order to make it to consumers). 



    Either of these seats are great depending on your budget.

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  • nautilus.  love it!!
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