So I have the news on and there was a story about the PO dropping Sat delivery ( I know that this has been talked about for a while now so who knows if it will really happen) and I always thought if it saves them money than that would be fine with me.
But CVS/Caremark just made a statement that people who need meds on Saturdays would have a hard time receiving the packages and this is going to be a problem and then I realized that I just had CVS deliver meds to me on Saturday. I guess if it happens you just have to be more prepared.
just thought this was interesting
Re: Postal Office may stop Saturday delivery
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
couldn't agree more
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
Um... those entities don't do "snail mail" deliveries. You can mail a letter with the PO for $0.47 - pretty much the cheapest ground service you can get from one of the major private carriers is $2.50. Likewise, even Next Day Air Express through the PO is usually cheaper than Next Day Air from the private companies...
Of course they don't do snail mail, my point was the the PO is a poorly run, inefficient, monetary black hole as is every other venture that the gov takes over. Other private entities with similar services manage to run efficiently and with profit. There is no reason the PO could not do the same, the eliminating Sat delivery is just a start.