North Dakota Babies

First baby dream

I dreamt last night that I could feel the baby kicking - it was unreal. I also remember addressing the baby as "baby girl" but I think that came from calling my dog that all the time. :) I also remember giving birth and thought it wasn't as horrible as people keep telling me. It was a really cool dream. Anyone else having baby dreams?

Re: First baby dream

  • I had a couple baby dreams.  One I woke up thinking that I actually had her already.  I dreamed that labor was a great experience and I didn't feel contractions and she just kind of fell out, no pushing was involved.  When she was born, she had really dark, really long hair, 7lbs5oz, and she was 24" long.  Pretty hilarious.

    I think I was scared of having a long baby because Timm is 6'4" and she was always measuring a little bit ahead.

  • I actually had one last night but I'm blaming it on the board :)  I can't remember the specifics, but I remember Brian handing me the baby for me to see the sex and I had to unwrap it from a blanket to discover that it was girl.  The reason I'm blaming the board is because of the gender poll.  I checked it before I went to bed and it was even so I came up to bed telling DH to get ready for a girl.  (We were both pretty convinced from the beginning that it was boy, but lately we're really not sure.  I'm now trying to convince myself that it's a girl so that I don't go into labor with a boy mindset.)  I realize how crazy my "plan" sounds.

    I've had a few other baby dreams over the course of the pregnancy, but none that were too crazy.  One was that I had a boy baby and he was huge, not a newborn, but more like a 6 month old.  He had this red blotches all over him and I asked the doctor what it was and he told me that meant that the baby would have freckles.  Dreams are so weird sometimes!

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  • oooo weee! don't get me started on all my weird baby dreams (and DH's too)! i just think all my dreams period during the pregnancy have been the strangest and most vivid of my life. i wrote an entire blog post about them here. they involved giving birth to an Orc (a creature from LOTR), alien whales attacking people, taking the baby out of my womb to play with her, transferring the pregnancy to my husband, and my husband joining the lucha libre. since writing the blog post my husband and i haven't had any more strange dreams.

  • imagemrsquetee09:

    oooo weee! don't get me started on all my weird baby dreams (and DH's too)! i just think all my dreams period during the pregnancy have been the strangest and most vivid of my life. i wrote an entire blog post about them here. they involved giving birth to an Orc (a creature from LOTR), alien whales attacking people, taking the baby out of my womb to play with her, transferring the pregnancy to my husband, and my husband joining the lucha libre. since writing the blog post my husband and i haven't had any more strange dreams.

    I read this blog post over the weekend and I was cracking up!

  • Natalee, I don't think your 'plan' is crazy. I've been spending time trying to convince myself it's a boy just so I won't have a heart attack or something if I have a boy! :) 

    My dreams lately have been about after the baby is born. I had one awful one where the baby died (AWFUL) and more recently one where I had a baby girl with dark hair and chubby cheeks. I was having lunch with Carollyn and I went to check on her and 'someone in my family' had put blankets in the crib and one was over her head. I then performed CPR (I had just done an infant CPR class) and the baby started breathing again and everything was fine. I wasn't even stressed about it.

    DH had a dream that he was pregnant but that's pretty much been his only weird dream 

    Siggy Deleted Due to Internet Stalking. Mama to Q, born July 2010
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