So here it goes....I was on vacation last week when I realized I was at least a week late. So I went and got a bunch of pregnancy tests and did them over 2 days....Yeah they were all positive. Does this mean that we are really pregnant? My dr. appt. is on Thursday and I cannot wait. When can I start telling people? How do I tell how far along I am?
So many new to this.
Re: We're Pregnant
If multiple tests are coming up positive then you are pregnant. Most doctors will determine how far along you are by the first day of your last period. Most people are 4-5 weeks when they find out.
As far as telling people that is a personal decision. Some people wait until they are out of the first trimester, chances of miscarriage decrease dramtically at that point. I told our immediate family ASAP and then everyone else a few days later. I had to let everyone at work know right away because I had to stop doing about half my job duties.
my read shelf:
Congrats!!! I remember the flood of feelings when you first find out, it can be quite overwhelming!
You can google "Due Date Calculator" and there are plenty of websites to help determine when you got pregnant/when you are due. It is typically based off of the first day of your last period, but there are rare instances that isn't right on. If you really aren't sure (I had absolutely no idea with my first), they will usually do an early ultrasound to date the pregnancy. Kind of like pp said, most people find out between 4-7 weeks.
Again, like pp said, it's really up to you when you want to tell people. I told my BFF immediately with both pregnancies. Then, held off on telling anybody else until after my first ultrasound with each, both times I ended up telling around 9/10 weeks. Some people are comfortable telling right away, some people wait until after the big 12 weeks mark. It's really what works for you.
Welcome to the bump and enjoy the time, it goes so fast!
Congratulations. I'm due in a few short weeks. For me, I had symptoms before I took a pregnancy test, like nausea and exhaustion, so I knew when I got a positive reading on the pregnancy test, that I was definitely pregnant.
Because my cycles have never been regular, my doctor ordered an ultrasound to find out how far along I was. Depending on your cycles, your doctor may do the same.
Congrats! I had an early u/s to date the pregnancy since I had such weird cycles.
As for when to tell, it is a personal decision. We told our parents and siblings after the 1st u/s at 8 weeks. We didn't tell anyone else until around 10 weeks. I would have waited longer but it was Easter and we were seeing our extended families and wanted to tell them in person. We didn't really start telling "everyone" until 15 weeks or so. The thought of having to "untell" people was too much for me and made it easy to keep it quiet. It was fun to have a "secret" and enjoy that special time with my DH.