
Did you DH have sympathy pg pains?

Did your DH/SO going through the same pg pains, weight gains, mood swings as you?

I swear, my husband cracks me up!! He's gained weight (did with DS1 too), complains about his back hurting, eats things he normally doesn't, and gets moody/pissy about random BS. I've called him out on it and he laughs, but he knows I'm right.

Re: Did you DH have sympathy pg pains?

  • No, but when he used to wear DD in the Moby, he'd say "This is just like what it feels to be pregnant". Sure, except without the heartburn, nausea, hip pain, etc, etc, etc.
    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • imagejessicaclare:
    No, but when he used to wear DD in the Moby, he'd say "This is just like what it feels to be pregnant". Sure, except without the heartburn, nausea, hip pain, etc, etc, etc.
    LOL! he has no idea... hahahaa
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  • KRTKRT member
    I think DH does.  I get pregnant and he gets moody.  It is ridiculous!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • My DH cousin did ~ He puked with both pregnancy's that is how they found out she was pregnant.  He was driving a truck at the time & had to pull over & puke.  After the first kid he did it again with the 2nd & called his wife & told her to take a test & it was positive. Same thing he gained weight & had weird cravings ~ Crazy stuff.
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