So... my husband and I have looked at four different agencies and are getting ready to commit. I've noticed that there is tons of good info on adoption process in general but not a lot of info traded on specific agencies. Is this one of the board's rules? Because I'm looking at a large agency in the DFW area and I wanted to get some feedback from anyone that has used their Biracial program.... Any general info on selecting an agency would be appreciated as well bc the search function on the bump is so (not) awesome.
Re: Choosing an agency
There is a Yahoo group you can join where you can get specifics. It's not against the rules here, but most people are generally not comfortable speaking out one way or another since it's a public board and we're all pretty confident that adoption professionals lurk here. It would stink if someone was identified by their story/picture/info and negative action taken against them for sharing a less than positive experience identifying an agency by name.
The Yahoo group is a safe place. I'm not a member, as we did private adoption, but some of the other girls will be able to tell you the name and how to join.
Based on stories I have heard I just wanted to add that even the largest agency can have varied experiences across different offices. The state rules vary greatly and often your own experience depends greatly upon the individuals you come in contact with. Just keep that in mind as you continue to get information.
Ditto MrsB. But i do find that people are willing to discuss specific agency experiences through PM. Maybe someone who used your agency will PM you and you can get info that way.
Thanks--- I'll send out a request for a PM