I am in desperate need of some behavior advice from you mommies! I have reached the end of my rope with 4 year old DD. She has become very defiant lately, telling me no all the time, refusing to do things I ask/tell her to do. Nothing seems to be working as far as punishment goes, I've even swatted her bottom and that has absolutely no effect on her. We've tried the behavior chart and it hasn't worked. Timeouts don't work because she will get up as soon as I turn around, before I am even out of the room. I will tell her to go back and sit on her bed and she just stares at me. She has even started getting this really angry look on her face and just stares me down. I don't know where any of this is coming from, she had always been such an easy going, polite little girl.
I've been home with the girls since my YDD was born last May.
I'm starting to wonder if she doesn't just need to go to a Mother's Day
Out program or something, to get some time away from me Also
wondering if it might be some delayed simbling jealousy?
I'm just really at a loss as to what to do. Have any of you experienced this type of behavior? How can I correct it?
Thanks so much!
Re: XP: at the end of my rope with ODD...
Siblings Without Rivalry is a great book.
She might need some special one-on-one time with you. Also, is she kept busy enough during the day? My dds all seem to be happier and better behaved when we're pretty busy.