
TS3 (Am I late?)

Did anyone see it this weekend??  I thought Lotso was sooo mean!  And I cried at the end.

Re: TS3 (Am I late?)

  • I haven't seen any posts about it yet.  We went Friday.  Pretty good.  Natalie wants that a bad sign? She's well-rooted in her terrible 2's right now, so maybe she relates to him?!?

    I didn't cry, but close. Kids loved it and have been talking about it non-stop.  Actually playing with TS toys right now.


  • we had DS bday party at a eat in theatre.  really liked it.  Almost all the moms cried at the end.  I had to choke it back.  DS liked it too.
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  • The end made me teary eyed too.  I really liked it but generally I like all Disney films ; ) 

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