OK, we have pretty much decided that LO's name will be Aubrey. But now we are having issues finding a MN that we love. So I thought I would list the names we like but I have also included the name he has veto'd and the name(s) I have veto'd just to get some perspective. So any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Or if you have "better" ideas. TIA!!
Aubrey Grace
Aubrey Elise
Aubrey Diane
Aubrey Scout
Aubrey Brianne
Re: Need MN help...
Out of your choices Aubrey Elise is my favorite. All but Aubrey Scout sound okay to me. Instead of Diane, what about Diana?
Some other MN's that sound good to me with Aubrey:
OH, you ladies are KILLING me!!
Elise is the name the I love and DH veto'd!!! I have an aunt Elise and he feels this baby should be named after someone in his family. (First DD had my grandfather's name as part of hers.) And while I am OK with that, the only name we can come up with is Diane (the other options are Merle, Betty, Lou, Claudia, Owana.....) and unfortunately that is the one I veto'd. Thank you for your feedback. It's very helpful.
i like this and Aubrey Elise.
Out of your choices I like Elise the best!
Other ideas ...
Here are other names ...
Good luck!