This one is obviously a boy. With DD, we had a few boy names picked out but only 1 girl name. I thought I loved our girl name until we actually had a girl and then we spent 2 days trying to come up with a different name. With this one, I have a few girl names but am stuck on one boy name (Atticus). I don't love it (DDs name was based on a nn, I can't even think of a nn for Atticus) but haven't really found one I like more. So OWT aside, we're having a boy
Re: Well, that settles it
congrats =P
whats ur daughters name? and no i cant think of a good nn for atticus (only bad ones)
I love Atticus!
Would you be able to do Gus as a nn?
People change the last letters all the time in order to make nicknames fit... why not the first letter? haha
could titus be a possible nn for atticus? or titus is a good name itself
augustus (gus)
matthias (matt)
andrius or andreus (andy)
columbus (colin...?)
demarcus (marc or marcus)
thaddeus (thad) lets u put in specific endings that u want as well as beginning letter & # of syllables.