If you were taking procardia for PTL contractions, how long after you stopped taking it did you go into labor?
I stopped taking mine yesterday and ended up in the hospital with very painful contractions 2-5 minutes apart but they weren't making any changes to my cervix. I'm stressed out waiting, I want the babies to cook as long as they need to but I'm nervous about going into labor at any minute.
Re: ? if you took Procardia
all of the PERIs and OBs at the teaching hosp i went to talked me out of taking it after i got transferred to that hosp. they all felt that while it is not a very dangerous drug, that research shows it does not stop PTL. but they also feel that way about mag, and terb. so, really you need to talk to your OB/PERI about this... too important
oh, after i stopped taking it, i went another 4wks.
They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks.
I took Procardia and oral Terbutaline for 5 weeks. I only stopped taking them because I delivered so I don't have any experience with going into labor after stopping the drugs.
I just wanted to say good luck and I hope you can continue baking your babies for as long as possible!