
? if you took Procardia

If you were taking procardia for PTL contractions, how long after you stopped taking it did you go into labor? 

I stopped taking mine yesterday and ended up in the hospital with very painful contractions 2-5 minutes apart but they weren't making any changes to my cervix. I'm stressed out waiting, I want the babies to cook as long as they need to but I'm nervous about going into labor at any minute. 

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Re: ? if you took Procardia

  • My U/S tech said that most that had true PTL will go into labor within 24 hours after stopping it.  I quit taking it at 36w and made it to my scheduled c/s at 38w.
  • janjagjanjag member

    all of the PERIs and OBs at the teaching hosp i went to talked me out of taking it after i got transferred to that hosp.  they all felt that while it is not a very dangerous drug, that research shows it does not stop PTL.  but they also feel that way about mag, and terb.  so, really you need to talk to your OB/PERI about this... too important :)  GL!

    oh, after i stopped taking it, i went another 4wks.

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  • I was taking Procardia and oral terbutaline.  I took them until 36w0d.  I had actually wound up in L&D for more frequent, painful contractions combined with some blood the night before and they kept me overnight....into the next day.......when my OB wanted to observe me coming off the meds.  They must have had me barely holding off labor because I wound up delivering the LOs that same day I stopped the meds, 36w0d.
    After 20 months TTC with PCOS, we were blessed with twins!
    They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks. Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
  • I took Procardia and oral Terbutaline for 5 weeks.  I only stopped taking them because I delivered so I don't have any experience with going into labor after stopping the drugs.

    I just wanted to say good luck and I hope you can continue baking your babies for as long as possible!

  • I never did!  I stopped right before 36w and we evicted the boys at 38w2d without ever having another contraction.  They said I was only slightly contracting on the monitor the day of my c/s.  My cervix never budged!
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