
how strict was your bedrest?

and what was the reason for your bedrest?  My friend is pregnant with twins and was put on bedrest, but she still goes out shopping, out to eat, etc.  Granted, it's because one of her babies is small, but I was wondering how strct everyone else took their bedrest.
Clomid x 2 cycles ..... BFN. 6/08 Gonal F with TI- BFN. 7/08 Gonal F #2 - IUI 7/11, BFN. 9/22/08 IUI #2 and Accupuncture - Chemical Pregnancy. 11/08 IUI #3 with accupuncture - BFN. 12/08 IUI #4 BFN. 5/09 IVF #1 ER 7/6/09, ET 7/9/09 - BFN. FET 12/18/09 - BFN IVF #2 -ER 3/6, ET 3/9, OMG - BFP!!! Beta #1 3/22 -332, Beta #2 3/24 - 701, Beta #3 - 14,889 - 1st u/s - TWINS!! SAIF ALWAYS WELCOME!!! ***Why can't 88 million sperm and 3 eggs find each other in an organ the size of a pear??*** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins--not through strength but by perseverance. - H. Jackson Brown

Re: how strict was your bedrest?

  • I was on bedrest for a short cervix (at 22 weeks, it was about 1.7 cm).  I was on modified bedrest at home, meaning I went up and down the stairs a couple of times a day, got up to shower and use the bathroom, and that was about it.  I spent most of the day lying down on the couch or in bed, but got up to eat meals at the table.  I then spent 3 weeks on strict bedrest, where I was lying in bed all day except for bathroom and a shower (my cervix went down to .6 cm and then back up again, but I was not taking any risks).  I even ate meals while reclining in bed. 

    I did not go out at all except for my dr's appointments, and at 27 weeks I started attending my appointments in a wheelchair.  At 30 weeks I was given permission to take some small outings like dinner out.

    I followed what my OB said because I was not interested in meeting my babies too soon.

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  • I highly doubt going shopping is OK for her bedrest.... even my "house arrest" when I was pg with my first son did not allow me to go shopping - and it was a very minimal bedrest.   Unless she's being pushed in a wheel chair while shopping (I did that once b/c there were things we needed to get before I had him).  I also went out to eat a couple times- since it only involved sitting.

    everyone's bedrest is different.... usually "house arrest" just means to "take it easy" - but you can still get up to make lunch, go to the bathroom, shower daily, etc... but should not be going out shopping, etc.  But should be sitting/laying most of the day.

    then there is bedrest where you must be laying all day except to go to the bathroom - and sometimes only allowed to shower every couple days, etc...

    It all really depends.  It will be very sad if her babies are preemies b/c she isn't following her doc's orders.

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  • cadencaden member
    Right now I'm on modified bedrest for an irritable uterus. I can get up for food/shower/bathroom and go up/down the stairs but I'm supposed to keep my feet elevated as much as possible. A few weeks ago I was put on this kind of bedrest and it helped so much that my OB let me go out of the house for half the day to shop or work. (that was not being on bed rest, that was being off bedrest). I made sure if I had to walk more than 20 ft I was pushed in a wheelchair. The following week my symptoms were much worse so here I am again on the couch.
  • I got put on bedrest at home around 28 weeks and was in the hospital from 32-34 weeks, all for contractions with slight cervical change.

    At home I was allowed 1 trip up/down stairs per day, 10 minute shower, could get up to the bathroom and to make something fast/easy to eat - like heating up in the microwave, no cooking. Other than that, in bed or on the couch. Out of the house for OB appointments, definitely no shopping or out to eat.

    I obviously don't know her situation, but it does make me feel sad and angry, I suppose. So many people do everything in their power to have healthy babies and still can't, and some people blow off their OB's medical advice without thinking of the consequences. And maybe she really isn't, I don't want to judge when I don't know her, of course. 

    The point of bedrest for a small twin is that all your body's energy/circulation and calories can go to the baby, not to shopping and running around, basically.

  • I've taken my bedrest very seriously.  Unfortunately, your friend is going to do what she wants to do.  People are placed on bedrest for differing reasons and thus will have varying degrees of what they are allowed to do.  I contracted too much at work and my job was too strenuous.  So I was placed on modified bedrest at 23 weeks after my cervix shortened.  For the first 2 weeks when my babies were peri-viable, I was very very strict.  Since I've been stable for 7 weeks my activities are increasing little by little.  I have the ok from my doc to go out to eat twice a week....but that means sitting in the sitting in the restaurant to back in the car.  I'm not contracting much these days, so it also just depends on how my body is doing.  Hopefully she is being honest with her doctor and herself....but that's really her problem.  Best of luck to her.


    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
  • I started modified BR at 33w (after 5 days hospital BR starting at 32w4d).  I got up in the morning and would come downstairs, pretty much spend the rest of the day in the LR on the couch.  I could use the bathroom, shower, and fix something quick to eat.  I was only allowed to leave the house for Dr. appointments, though I did sneak out 1 or 2 times for quick trips with DH and was nervous the whole time.
  • janjagjanjag member

    big bleed at about 6wks got me on restricted activity after a few days BR to make sure bleeding would stop.

    strict home bedrest at 13wks after another huge bleed.  OB wanted a month, and then we'd see.  strict bedrest meant in bed laying down except for using the bathroom and a short shower. 

    at 19wks got to be on modified bedrest...  same as strict bedrest, except i could do ONE thing everyday, like a walk around the block, or go to a movie, or go into work for 2hr max (only a couple times a week), and then back to bed.  every time i drove to work, i pretty much had to turn around (horrible bh and racing hb) and go home.  OB wanted to see how much activity i could tolerate.

    23wks, admitted to hosp w/ 1.9 cm funneling cervix.  went home after 5 days for strict BR.  28wks, admitted to hosp w/.5cm funneling cervix.  went home on strict br after 10days and a transfer to hosp w/level III nicu. 

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  • I was placed on bedrest at 20 weeks due to my uterus growing into my (only) kidney and created a painful buildup of fluid.  It wasn't super strict.  I could get up and do things once in awhile if my pain was manageable.  I would usually run to Target once a week, out to eat once a week and to doctor's appointments twice a week.  (That was once the pain was under control, which wasn't for a couple weeks.)

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I was on pretty strict bed rest at 26 weeks due to a shortened cervix. This meant I could go up and down our stairs once/day, get up for bathroom breaks, and to grab quick food or water. I was hospitalized at 28 weeks for 7 days and again at 30 weeks. I was in the hospital for the remaining 4 weeks, getting anti-contraction meds every 2 hours around the clock.

    Everyone is different. And some doctors can be more relaxed than others.  Me? Even though I delivered early I feel good knowing I did everything I could have possibly done to keep them in as long as possible.

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  • imageShelley-Bean:
    and what was the reason for your bedrest?  My friend is pregnant with twins and was put on bedrest, but she still goes out shopping, out to eat, etc.  Granted, it's because one of her babies is small, but I was wondering how strct everyone else took their bedrest.

    i did go out to eat 1x per week, but i did not go shopping.  well, i did go to whole foods after doctor visits w/ my mom, but i rode the little scooter around.

    in general, even the most modified bedrest involves spending most of your time in bed (or on the couch/recliner).  i was allowed in the pool, though.

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  • I am 17 wks. I can only get up to pee and maybe microwave something to eat. My peri said I could run outside and roll around in the grass if I was on fire, but that's about it.

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  • imagepetitbelle:

     My peri said I could run outside and roll around in the grass if I was on fire, but that's about it.

    That made me laugh!  It's nice your doctor has a sense of humor, because being on bedrest kind of stinks.

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  • I was allowed to do the following:

    1- move to the couch each afternoon for a few hours, otherwise ahd to be in bed (closer to the restroom than the couch was)

    2- Get up to use the restroom

    3- take a shower sitting down for 10 minutes a day.

    4- Go to the Dr's once/twice a week (in a wheel chair)...depending on the week.

    5- I went to my multiple's birthing classes for 4 a wheel chair.

     So, very very strict. Granted I'd had an emergency cerclage AND PTL, and been on hospitalized BR for 3.5 weeks...I was VERY shocked when my Dr let me go home and each week at my appointment he was warning me that the next week I could be readmitted again. :(

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