Hoping you can shed some light on our situation. Our twins are 13 weeks old Monday - both have acid reflux (both on pepcid) and one has colic. Over the last couple weeks it has escalated. Is it normal for the babies - daughter specifically - to go absolutely hysterical to a point where she cannot eat? This actually happens during a couple feedings a day. We have been dealing with this for the last 10 weeks or so but over the last week it has gotten worse. They are each about 10 pounds and not getting 24 ounces a day - more like 17 with the recent temper tantrums. We are seeing our doctor Tuesday but I just needed to reach out and see if this is normal??? Its gotten to a point where I am concerned - the kicking and screaming and lack of eating - colic or what?? Does anyone have a baby with colic where it goes from bad to worse???
Re: At a loss: Colic, Tantrums and Reduced Intake
My daughter has a milk allergy that was misdiagnosed as reflux. The first 5 months was a living nightmare for her and our family. She refused to eat and would cry all.day.long. It is something to look into.
She is on alimentum now and it has been life changing.
Mine got suuuuuper colicky out of nowhere at about 2.5 months. It lasted until 4 months. Nothing helped but holding them and walking them around the house.
Hang in there!
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
My son has reflux caused by a dairy allergy, but he would also get hysterical like your LO during feeding time. It was frustrating and scary and tiring. There were also time when he was only taking in 15 oz. a dat at two months. I might talk to your pedi and see if you can get a referral to a GI specialist to make sure it doesn't have anything to do with her belly.