
Traveling with Follistim...

I'm flying to LA next weekend and I will be bringing Follistim. What are the guidelines for flying with injectable medications? And what do you do about the fact that it has to be cold? I was thinking ice pack, but I don't know if that is considered a liquid and can go through security...
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Re: Traveling with Follistim...

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    I don't remember, but I thought once you started a vial of Follistim you could leave it out of the fridge for 30 days or something?  Don't quote me on that, but you might look into it.

    A pharmacist just told me that security doesn't care about people bringing needles on board.  I think I'd just make sure you have your Rx with you and you'll be good.

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    I flew all the time with meds.  My RE gave me an "excuse note" that I bring with me, but I've never actually been questioned.

    My RE also told me that once you open the follistim vial (or put the cartridge into the pen) it doesn't need to be refrigerated.



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    I put it in a little insulated lunch bag with an ice pack which worked perfectly.  My dr gave me a note, but security never questioned me about it.
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    I've flown with needles before and have never had a problem.  Just take it out of your bad before it goes through the scanner so they see it.  Get a note from your RE just in case they want to see it...I can only remember one time they wanted to see it.  I always have 4 epi-pens on me and shots for RA and I've never had a problem.  If it's for meds, I think the ice pack would be OK.
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    I've taken 6 flights now with follistim.  I didn't keep it cold while traveling, but I refrigerated it once I got to my hotel rooms (becasue it wasn't opened yet).  The box has some directions on temps and how cold to keep it.  I just ran it through security inside my carryon bag and either they didn't notice it, or they didn't give a hoot.  No one said anything.  I had my script with me just incase.  I was nervous, but really, it was no biggie at all.  (I figure there are tons of people who fly with epi pens each and every day...)
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