
TTC and get married and affording both

I am 34 and in the middle of possibly living my dream. I found the love of my life who loves adores and supports my every dream and wish. I will be 35 in October and the time clock is ticking. I have no clue how I am going to afford everything but today I realized how special my friends are and how blessed I am. My 2 best friends are planning my wedding for me because it was causing me far too much stress. I am not a picky girl and would go to the county court house and call it a day. But my intended will have non of that. So I gave them a 6k budget and destination VEGAS not chapel Vegas but hotel our parents and closest friends Vegas. With that being said and done I am now free to try to work on conceiving. I have bilateral blockage in my tube and never been pregnant. Never took a birth control pill in my life. Had a lap and histosalpin... I dont know how to spell it but they are fused shut with tubal damage. so they are shot.

For the last 2 weeks I have been looking into IVM and I have an appointment on July 1st to talk about my chances of conceiving that way. Im sure IVF would be a better shot but i cant afford it. By the time I save enough for it I will be getting pregnant at 37. But I recently saw Dr. MGill in Canada's website and his prices are resonable enough for me to be slightly excited. But I am not sure how IVF and traveling 5hrs on a plane would work. But for 5k for a natural IVF I am willing to give it some thought.  

My question is would u pay 8500.00 for IVM or just hop a plane and go to another country and pay 9000 for 3 cycles of natural IVF? 

I have never been this close to having a child, never had a loving and supportive partner/spouse. With that pesky 35 hanging over my head I'm getting teary thinking about being aged or priced  out of a child. *preferably 2 I really want twins* 

Talk to me.

Re: TTC and get married and affording both

  • Welcome to the board.  I don't have experience with your exact dx but I can tell you that there are ladies on this board who have traveled abroad for IVF.  Recently several ladies have gone or are planning to go to Costa Rica.  I don't have the Costa Rica info but one of the ladies posts on PAIF and she could probably give you the info.  I would just make a post asking for info on Costa Rica IVF on PAIF and SAIF and you will probably get info. 

    Just a word of caution most REs shoot for singletons not multiples because of the risks.  So while you may want twins that probably isn't something most REs want to hear.

    Also weekends can be a bit slow so if you don't get your answers you might want to repost on a weekday.

    Good Luck!

    ETA: In you Costa Rica post I would ask about Canada because they may have info on that too.  I could have sworn one of the ladies that is/did go to Costa Rica looked into Canada too.

    TTC since 8/2004
    Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
    DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
    DS-IUI #1-4 BFN IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • An Affordable IVF Vacation in Costa Rica & Panama ? FAQS : Medical Tourism & Passport Medical

    Here us the info for Costa Rica. I have not done it, but saved the link because it is becoming a FAQ 

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  • imageanjiela7:
    *preferably 2 I really want twins*

    Tongue Tied

    And I wouldn't "just hop on a plane and go to another country."  If it were me, I would plan the wedding for less money and use that money for whichever treatment cycle would yield the best results (here in the US).

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I just mentioned Costa Rica to my partially sleeping future husband and he gave me the oh boy shes off her rocker again smile and nod. Im going to search on the boards for the info and see if I can find anything via google.
  • Thanks Ams I'm going to read now. I'm a little afraid to go sooooo far but I am willing if I hear living healthy testimonies.

    Kimarino your girls are ADORABLE!!!!!! Also you have no clue how much time and negotiating Was put into getting him to agree with an away wedding which would be cheaper than the 3 ring circus he was trying to get me to orchestrate. I wanted small and intimate... he was inviting 3rd cousins and old neighbors. sigh... 

  • I have to agree with Kim here..
    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • at the risk of sounding like an idiot.  What is IVM??
    Our IVF Miracle Arrived 2.26.11! <a href="
  • If we had known about the IVF when we got married, we would have skipped the wedding, gone to the courthouse and used that money to have a baby. You already know you need IVF, I'd sit your fianc? down and tell him youre not having a $6500 wedding. You're saving that money for a treatment cycle and trying to have a baby.

    and quite honestly, if you can't handle the stress of planning a wedding, how on earth do you think you'll handle the stress of ART?
    Dx: MFI, DOR, 9 Fibroids and homozygous MTHFR

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  • imagekimarino13:

    *preferably 2 I really want twins*

    Tongue Tied

    And I wouldn't "just hop on a plane and go to another country."  If it were me, I would plan the wedding for less money and use that money for whichever treatment cycle would yield the best results (here in the US).

    This exactly, I would plan the wedding you want, close to home and cheaper!  You will never regret that.  The day will come and go so fast, it won't matter as long as you have a ring on your finger KWIM. $6k is a lot of money toward IF treatments.  It could take a long time and $$  you will need.  Plus you can do the wedding sooner if you do it at home.  Baby is more important than wedding in my book.  

     I would try for singleton first.  Twins are hard, heck singleton for me is difficult and I'm a SAHM, you would get through but I know how you are feeling.  You would have 4 babies if you could...I'm sure, I felt this way before DS. 

  • Sounds like you need to stop surfing the internet and playing doctor and see a real RE and see what he/she recommends for you.

    And please please please do not pray for twins - twins are hard, before they get here and after they get here.  You don't want the stress of planning a wedding, do you really want the stress of carrying twins (go google all the scary possibilities) or the stress of caring for twins.  The goal of any ART treatment is 1 child born healthy, period.

    Also in the world of ART, 35 is not "old".  Are you sure you are really ready for a child or is it just the candles on your birthday cake making you think you *should* be having babies?

    Me: PCOs DH: Perfect!
    4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • imageKiKiGee:
    at the risk of sounding like an idiot.  What is IVM??

    ((Butting in))

    I normally just lurk over here (maybe posted 2 or 3 times). I am currently doing IVM. It is very similar to IVF but not all doctors do it. I guess it is still considered new. My doctor likes to do it with PCOS patients. The main difference is they use immature eggs instead of mature eggs. There are less meds involved and it is cheaper. After the eggs are retrieved, they are matured, fertilized with ICSI and transfered. The whole process really fascinates me. I've been talking with a fellow bumpie that has had it done but she is the only one that I ever found that even knew of IVM!

    ((Butting out))

    June 2010 - IVM
    July 2, 2010- BFP Beta July 5th - 931 Repeat beta July 7th - 2,779
    July 13, 2010- First ultrasound! Gestational sac found!
    July 16, 2010 - 2nd u/s due to bleeding. Twins found! Baby A is great! Praying for Baby B!
    July 23, 2010 - 3rd u/s. Saw Baby A's flicker of a heartbeat! Lost Baby B. :-(
    March 16, 2011 - Nathan James was born
    November 26, 2012 - surprise BFP! It's a girl!
    July 26, 2013 - Lilianna Jean was born


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  • My DH and I got married last summer at our home but what we did was plan a surprise wedding. We invited people over for a `PARTY` but it was actually our wedding. We had a wonderful JP marry us in our livingroom with 65 of our closest friends and family. It was incredible!! After all was said and done we spent $3000. We then started ivf couple of months later.


    GL! Vegas sounds fun! I wish you all the best!

    MFI DH-diagnosed with cancer- had an unrelated bone marrow transplant 1st IVF-cancelled 2 embryos BFN 1st FET cycle started 2010- BFP Please Please Stick! Baby girl born 2011
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