
Pregnancy after PPROM Success Story

I don't post much anymore but thought I'd share my story as I remember being interested in stories like this after I had my PPROM baby.

DS was born at 33 weeks 0 days 3 years ago when my water broke out of the blue. Like many, no reason was found for the PPROM.  This pregnancy, I started on the p17 shots very early (13ish weeks) and took them until 35 weeks 5 days.  I had lots of contractions the whole pregnancy but I made it to 39 weeks and 4 days when I was induced.  Having a full term baby after a preemie has been such a great experience - so much easier.  Best of luck to all of you!

Re: Pregnancy after PPROM Success Story

  • THANK YOU for your story!!!!!!!!! Congratulations on your new little one!
  • Thank you for sharing! I often wonder what my next one will be like. I too went into labor early (at 32 weeks), my water broke, and they never figured out why. This gives me hope for a full term pregnancy next time.

    Has there been any research on the p17 shots? Any future side effects for mom or baby like in the DES shots?

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  • hailiehailie member
    Thank you for sharing this! Definitely gives me hope this time around I'll make it to term. Congratulations!
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  • I love these kind of posts!  You give ladies hope!
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  • Congratulations on the birth of your Daughter. Thanks for sharing your story.



  • Congratulations! This gives me hope. I did not have PPROM, but it's nice to know that you can still have a full term pregnancy, and a regular birthing experience, after having a preemie.
  • That is wonderful!  I'm pregnant after PPROM (my water broke with DD at 30w5d, DD was born at 31w0d).  My doctor put my chances at going to term at 50/50 and is hoping for 34 weeks this time around.  It's good to hear that it can happen.

    I won't start progesterone shots until 20 weeks.  Then at 24 weeks there will be biweekly u/s and FFN tests.  Did you have a similar regimen (other than starting progesterone shots earlier?)

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  • Great to hear that!  I pProm'd at 26 weeks and was able to make it to 33W1D before delivering DD and it really worries me how it's going to be the next time so stories like yours help!  Like you then never had any idea why I started leaking....
  • Congratulations and thank you so much for sharing your story!

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  • Thank you so much for sharing! I didn't have PPROM but I did deliver my son at 32 weeks and I hope to make it longer this time! :)
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