Pre-School and Daycare

FFFC time! Come on in...

this is not juicy, but it's true.

You know when you pay with a card and don't enter your pin you have to sign your name electronically.

Well, I don't like it when it makes my signature look ugly.  Embarrassed

Walmart makes handwriting look ugly and places like Kohls have better machines where your handwriting can look nice.   I like that.


Re: FFFC time! Come on in...

  • Wow, Stacie... dark and DIRTY;P (LOL)

    I am starting a bootcamp workout class next week and I have my pre-bootcamp eval this afternoon. I just inhaled a huge breakfast and a hot chocolate AND a huge choc chip cookie. Confused

    I've been super nauseous and unable to eat much between 2-7pm EVERY day for the past 3 weeks. This is how I felt when preg with DS and it was our only clue until the preg test turned pos. I took 5 preg tests over the past 7 days and all were BFN (3 $ store ones and 2 First Response ones). I have no idea what else it could be? I have no pain. Ulcers hurt before and/or after each meal, not only once a day. I secretly hope I am preg. I think my DH is excited about possibly being preg again since he did want 3 kids, but recently told me he thinks we can only afford 2 (we really make plenty of $ but we just signed a 15 yr mortgage, so that's why I say that). He slipped last night and said to me, "Do you still want to go to Tahoe next summer with 3 kids?" I quickly snapped back, "WHAT? What 3 kids?" He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, are you sick again today?" I think he's secretly accepting it even though my preg tests have been neg. Sad that it's prob not true since I EBF but I get a little excited every day when I get sick (sounds odd). I would never wish for 2U2, but since DH told me that this was our last baby, now I don't care and would LOVE another baby (since he would get a vasectomy after my 1st trimester if I am preg). Phew! That was a lot off my chest, sorry.Embarrassed

  • I haven't sent a thank you card to my great-grandma for DD's birthday present yet. I saved it so I could print pictures and mail them to her, but I keep forgetting to bring my thumb drive to the store to print pics. Then we went on vacation. I feel absolutely awful about this. I sent all the other cards out the following day.

    Stacie: I write extra slow when I sign for debit purchases because it drives me nuts when the signature doesn't look pretty. ::bumping OCD knuckles::

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  • Tonight DS#1 is testing for his 1st Dan black belt in Tae Kwon Do and we couldn't get a sitter for DS#2, so DH will be staying home with him. I'm actually kind of happy that DH isn't coming because he always talks during the entire testing and it drives me nuts. I'm always trying to pay attention and take pictures and there's DH chattering away in my ear.
  • I only recently noticed that there is not a second "r" in sherbet.

    How I did not know that is beyond me.  Everyone around me has always pronounced it "sherbert."  I guess I never noticed it wasn't spelled that way.  Duh!

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