Maryland Babies

Recommend your Convertible Carseat

I'm starting the research process now for a CC for DD. Most likely the carseat will be used mainly in the Honda Pilot, but DH has a Honda Accord Coupe (2 door). So I'm looking for something not overly bulky, but with good ratings.

DH and I've looked at the Britax Marathon, Roundabout and Diplomat. Any other carseats that we should consider? 





Re: Recommend your Convertible Carseat

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    After trying to school myself on carseat safety until my head was about to explode, I chose the Graco MyRide 65. It has one of the highest rear-facing weight limits which was very important to me since we intend to rear-face as long as possible. An added bonus is that it offers side impact protection, is less $$ than Britax, AND is super comfy. He loves it. I am very happy with it. Its big, as all convertible car seats are but it fits in the back seat of my Honda Civic will probably fit in most cars.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
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    The Cosco Scenera seems to be talked about a lot on the bump boards for an affordable and smaller option for the second car that LO would most likely not ride in as much.  Apparently it gets good safety ratings, but I don't have any personal experience with it.

    We have the Britax Marathon and it is a monster!  We haven't used it yet though.


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    imageautumn bliss:

    The Cosco Scenera seems to be talked about a lot on the bump boards for an affordable and smaller option for the second car that LO would most likely not ride in as much.  Apparently it gets good safety ratings, but I don't have any personal experience with it.

    We have the Britax Marathon and it is a monster!  We haven't used it yet though.


    I checked at the Marathon yesterday and OMG it was huge. Actually all of the carseats were huge. 

    Okay, another question... Do people actually buy two CC ? I mean most likely I will be dropping and picking up DD from daycare, but I would like to have an option say if DH has to pick her up. You know. 




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    Okay, another question... Do people actually buy two CC ? I mean most likely I will be dropping and picking up DD from daycare, but I would like to have an option say if DH has to pick her up. You know. 

    Yes. Trust me you don't want to be wrangling convertible carseats in and out of cars if and when the other car needs to be used. That's why I like the suggestion about putting the Cosco Scenera in your DH's car. Its a good, cheap no-frills seat. You can prob get it for like $45 with a coupon or sale.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I just went to get the baby carrier installed by the local fire department and a safety group in my town. They asked what convertible car seat i had already and I told them the evenflo triumph and they said it was a very good seat just a little big. They said everyone goes and spends a lot of money and they actually cant reccommend a seat but wink wink nod nod. We got a really good one.
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    imagemrs. remy <3:

    Okay, another question... Do people actually buy two CC ? I mean most likely I will be dropping and picking up DD from daycare, but I would like to have an option say if DH has to pick her up. You know. 

    Yes. Trust me you don't want to be wrangling convertible carseats in and out of cars if and when the other car needs to be used. That's why I like the suggestion about putting the Cosco Scenera in your DH's car. Its a good, cheap no-frills seat. You can prob get it for like $45 with a coupon or sale.

    You definately do not want to be stuck with only one carseat. We have 4 carseats, 2 of the them are the Costco ones. We got them at Target, on sale for $50. The are no frills, but they work for DH's car, and they are FAA approved so we have flown with them thinking if they were damaged in any way they are not too much to replace. In my car we have the Alpha Omega Elite. This is not a carseat that is too expensive, has good ratings, and it worked well both rear facing and forward facing.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    We have the Cosco Scenera.  It is plain and simple and I think it was only $59.....when we were registering, we tried to register for as many things from the Consumer Reports Safety Book for 2009....I am pretty sure this was one of the safest.  It isn't bulky, either.
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    We have a Marathon in the Volvo and even though it looks huge I honestly think it takes up less space than the infant carrier in the base.  I found the Marathon and a Maxi-Cosi Priori convertible seat on clearance @ Target, so I got 2 convertible carseats for less than the retail price of the Marathon- granted both had been sitting on the store shelf for a year, so the discount was important, since seats have a limited lifespan.  The Maxi-Cosi seat- which I find a little more difficult to get DD in and out of is in my VW cabrio and seems to be "shorter" depth wise.

    My dad really wanted a seat for e. to ride in in his car, so I bought him the Cosco Scenera @ Target, it was on sale for $45. 


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    I second the Graco My Ride 65.  We got that recommendation for the Pikesville "Car Seat Lady"  professional carseat installer and family friend that is very well known in the area.  That's her top choice right now, both for safety and choice; used to be Britax I think.  She has since installed one in both my car and my Dh's car.  My MIL is getting one as well.  Bella loves it (very comfy and cushy).  DH had a fender bender with my DD in the car back in the Fall while I was 3 hrs. away for work (talk about having a heart attack).  She didn't budge in that seat!  Also keeps her rear facing (which is the safest option) for a longer period of time, which was very important to us.  She is almost 2 and hasn never once complained that she isn't face us--happy as can be back there. :)
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    imagemrs. remy <3:

    Okay, another question... Do people actually buy two CC ? I mean most likely I will be dropping and picking up DD from daycare, but I would like to have an option say if DH has to pick her up. You know. 

    Yes. Trust me you don't want to be wrangling convertible carseats in and out of cars if and when the other car needs to be used. That's why I like the suggestion about putting the Cosco Scenera in your DH's car. Its a good, cheap no-frills seat. You can prob get it for like $45 with a coupon or sale.

    Oh I definitely didn't want to be pulling that big carseat out every time. 




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    We recently bought a Graco My Ride 65.  I was torn bn that one, the Safety First Complete Air and the Britax seats.  I ruled out the Safety First after learning that it can be tricky to install and then ruled out the Britax seats as they have less leg room than a lot of seats and we want to keep my son rear facing for as long as possible.


    The woman that runs this blog really helped us out with making our decision.  She will also come and inspect to make sure that your car seat is safely installed, which is great since 95% of kids our improperly installed.

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    We are going to get one Convertible soon, only because I am finding it really difficult at the end of the work day to haul my work bag, pump bag, daycare bag, AND john in the infant carrier into the house.  John still fits into the infant carrier so that will just stay in my car.  I figure this way we can space out buying the 2 convertible seats by at least  a few weeks.  I've read good things about the Graco and Britax, but the Britax is sooo expensive.
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    We have the Graco MyRide 65 too, but have not used it yet.  Glad to see it is getting some good reviews!  

    We will need to get DCP a convertible car seat for the fall and will most likely go with Cosco Convertible.  Right now we've been switching bases with the infant seat, but I can't wait to stop doing that!

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    We have a Marathon in my car.  In DH's old car, which was a 2 door, we had the Evenflo Triumph.  It fit well rear facing, and it wasn't too difficult to get Aiden in and out.  The Roundabout is also a little smaller than the Marathon.
    Laura & Jim ~ July 10, 2004
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    Definitely check out  You can get discontinued patterns in Britax MUCH cheaper than retail.  I have ordered three seats from there, and all were new (manufactured the month before I ordered them) and they ship free AND super quick!
    Laura & Jim ~ July 10, 2004
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    miscarriage on 11/26/09 at 5w6d
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    Definitely check out  You can get discontinued patterns in Britax MUCH cheaper than retail.  I have ordered three seats from there, and all were new (manufactured the month before I ordered them) and they ship free AND super quick!

    Thanks Laura for the recommendation.




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