
Confused...AMH 0.6

which is low, but my dr said I did not have DOR?  My FSH was within normal range, but wouldn't the AMH indicate otherwise?

Re: Confused...AMH 0.6

  • From what I have been told and read (I could be wrong) AMH is a much more reliable test of your ovarian reserve than FSH.  I was also told anything under 1.0 is a problem, whether it is indicative of DOR I am not sure, but I would think it was.
    TTC since 8/2004
    Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
    DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
    DS-IUI #1-4 BFN IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
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  • I have heard that AMH is more accurate than FSH, but that AFC also tells a lot.  I think doctors take all 3 into account. 

    In the end, I think what is most important is how a person responds to stims.

    Feb 2010 - IVF #1 BFP, miscarriage with D&C April 2010 - IVF #2 BFN June 2010 - IVF #3 BFP, Baby girl born March 2011 Oct 2011 - Natural BFP, D&C Dec Jan 2012 - back to RE
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  • FSH tells more what is going on with your ovaries RIGHT NOW.  AMH tells what is going on with your ovaries in the near future.  If your FSH is ok but your AMH is low that means you're sliding into DOR land quickly and you should not delay in seeking treatment. 
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  • imageyodasmistress:
    FSH tells more what is going on with your ovaries RIGHT NOW.  AMH tells what is going on with your ovaries in the near future.  If your FSH is ok but your AMH is low that means you're sliding into DOR land quickly and you should not delay in seeking treatment. 

    Word to the wise Yoda.

    In other words, I agree. 

  • .6 is not great, but workable. You RE should dose meds accordingly. My RE is worried when it is .4 or lower  and happy when it is above 1.

    And AMH will indicate DOR earlier and more accurately than your FSH values. You're 39 or so I think? Statistically, you (and I) have egg quality and quantity issues.

  • Thanks all... sigh... am feeling very defeated today... We have a second opinion appt scheduled for Monday so.. we're hoping to get a clearer understanding of what is happening, what (if anything) we can do, and what protocol would be best for our specific issues.

    I think, too, that coming up on the anniversary of losing Ella I'm just sad in general.  Not that having another baby would make that pain less, but you know what I mean.

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