
1st movie (in theater) - 3D or no?

I'm taking DS to see his first movie in the theater  - Toy Story.  He is almost 3-1/2.  Do you think it would be too much to do it in 3D?  I'm not sure if it will freak him out or if he will love it?

I'd hate to take him adn have him not want to wear the glasses.  I know you can still watch it, but if I remember correctly, the screen looks weird without the glasses (or at least it used to when I saw a 3D movie a trillion years ago).

3D or no? 

Re: 1st movie (in theater) - 3D or no?

  • We took C to see Toy Story & Toy Story 2 last October in 3D, but that was all it was offered in.  He wouldn't keep the glasses on for more than five seconds.  When we took him to see How To train Your Dragon, we opted for the regular version.  We'll do the same with Toy Story 3.  It isn't worth the extra money, IMO, when he won't even wear the glasses.
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  • DD's first movie was UP in 3D.  She was 2 1/2 at the time.  She wouldn't keep her glasses on.  She's seen several other movies since, including movies in 3D.  I'm not sure how she did in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, but she was enthralled by How to Train Your Dragon.  She kept her glasses on the entire time...both times we saw HTTYD. 

    A post below shows that there will be children's 3D glasses, and I think that will help *a lot*.

    ETA: Without the glasses, the movie is very blurry.  It reminds me of what I see without my glasses or contacts.

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  • Thanks ladies!  I think we'll do the regular movie.  He won't keep sunglasses on for more than 2 minutes... I can't imagine him keeping 3D ones on for over an hour. 

    I'll just be happy if he can sit in his seat for the whole movie!! :) 

  • Ok, I'll preface this with DD#1 is a bit timid when it comes to movies, but she hates the 3D ones.  She freaked out even on one of the rides at Disney (Winnie the Pooh or something) that was 3D.  Way too much for her.  She just this winter started seeing movies in the theater without getting too upset, though, so maybe take this for what it is.  That said, I'd definitely stick to the regular for the first movie in a theater.  DD#1 gets scared b/c it's dark and so loud already without adding the glasses and 3D to all that.
  • Well, I know that there is no way in heck my DD would wear those glasses for 1 minute, let alone an hour plus, so I vote no 3D :)
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  • Kate (3yrs)  wears sunglasses all the time.  She has like 6 pairs and a little bit of an addiction.  So when we went to Shrek 3 in 3D last weekend we had no issues at all. 
    The screen is a little weird without the glasses but not horrible.

    And am I the only adult that's totally excited to see Toy Story 3?  I can't wait and since it's going to 97 and rainy here this weekend it's "perfect" movie weather. 

  • We took L to see his first movie (Shrek 4) and opted for the non 3D.  I was more concerned with him getting sick. 
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