Okay, so a little background...My sister has had the same neighbor for over 3 yrs now and has ALWAYS had issues with the neighbor letting her dog run loose. There was one occasion where she called me on the phone screaming that her and my niece were trapped in their car b/c the dog was outside of the car barking at them. I heard her blowing her horn for the neighbors to come get the dog and she was screaming at the dog. They came and got the dog and she ran for her life to her house. She mentioned how one day that dog would actually bite someone. It's a little mixed breed dog, but he is not friendly and my sister is afraid of dogs so that makes it worse.
Well, from what I know, she had just gotten home from work and was bringing her DD inside when the dog CHARGED out of the house and towards her baring it's teeth. She said she shooed the dog and he attacked her feet so she screamed and tried to run away but fell on top of her child busting my niece's nose and lip The neighbor comes running to get the dog (too late!!) and helped my sister inside to clean off her daughter's bloody face and then my sister realized that her finger nail was bent all the way back. They had to go to the er and get her nailed pulled off. My niece is okay but full of bruises. I asked my sister if she was going to file a report and she said no. WTH?! I asked why and she said b/c she doesn't want them to lose their dog b/c they have small kids and it would hurt the kids. What?! Your child is hurt now b/c of that dog and YOU are hurt. And even though this is the first time the dog actually bit her (it bit her shoes up), it's not the first time he's shown aggression towards her. Now I'm worried that the dog will attack again and I really think she should at least file a report with animal protection. Wouldn't you!?! I told my husband and the first thing he said was I hope she reported the dog. I just don't know what else I can do though. She's been biten and both her and her child were hurt, but she won't file a complaint.
Re: My sister was attacked by a dog. Shouldn't she file a report??
You better believe I would call and report it.Didn't the ER dr ask what happened?
I would definitely file a report. Imagine if a little kid was running down the street chasing a stray ball or something and the dog attacked that poor kid. I would feel so guilty if something like that happened and I could've done something to protect it.
She's not asking them to put their dog down...but she does need to do something to better insure that they take control of their pet.
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
YES! She should file a report. There are over 4 million dog bites in this country every year and it is getting worse not better, at least in my community. My neighbors had a biting dog, and though they are lovely people and I am friends with them, I did not realize how much that dog impacted my ability to use my own front yard with the children. I think one of the happiest days of my life was when the day he died. I was positively gleeful.
32,000 dog bites each year require reconstructive surgery (CDC), most of those on children, and are mostly on the face. If the dog bites again and it has been reported, they will have to do something. The next time might not come out so well. I grew up with a stunningly beautiful girl who was mauled by a dog on one side of her face as a child. It has truly impacted her entire life.
I am sorry, but your sister is a MORON.
Seriously, that dog needs to take a permanent dirt nap. If she doesnt report the dog, then YOU should.
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
LOL, don't apologize. Her decisions as of late are not convincing me otherwise...
So I can report the dog even though I'm not a witness? Because I seriously want to and will if I can.
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
One more reason why I love Mel. This.
My neighbor was attacked a few weeks ago by a pitbull. She reported it, but the same dog also busted through another neighbor's front window right before it attacked the other neighbor. I tried to file a report and they would not take it from me. They said that nothing could be done until the dog actually broke skin with a bite.
Well, please at least TRY. They may or may not accept it, but I would also explain that she ended up in the ER-- they may want to contact the hospital. This dog is going to end up ripping some poor babies face off.
Yeah, I remember your post. The dog didn't break through skin, but this has been an ongoing issue. Do they really think it's okay for people to wait around until the dog DOES break through skin? It could end up fatal. I think that's ridiculous and sad
. But I could understand them not wanting to take a report from me since I am not a witness.
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
I AM TERRIFIED OF DOGS!!! What you just posted is my worst nightmare. Brining in the kids and having a biting agressive dog show up. In our little townhouse community (about 12-14 2 unit houses) on a dead end street we are NOT supposed to have dogs. IF there is a need for a dog/cat etc for any sort of medical reason that is ok. You must have a dr. note though.
Well we have a new landlord and she is not strict on this at all. For the dogs that people get for therapy, companion (there are a few elderly, and some with only children) the weight limit is 30lbs.
Within the last 6-8 months I have noticed a large dog trend. 2 houses down from us have a great dane (fully grown, had it when they moved in) 2 more houses down have a full grown boxer (rescue dog <---really worries me. I dont know its past, how it was treated, if it was ever abused) Then 3 houses down from that they have a boxer pup about 10wks old and a mixed large breed dog that is about 4months old. That is all on one side of the street. On the other there is a lab that is about 3yrs old, a mixed breed large dog, and then one house has 2 boxer pups that are brothers to the one that is 10wks old.
Did I mention that Im terrified of large dogs. Anything much bigger than 15lbs I am not a fan of unless I have a regular relationship with it. LIke I see it, pet it, play with it etc.
I have never been attacked, or bitten so I just expect the worst. I have had a dog bare all of its teeth at me and growl like it was getting ready to attack. This was inside a house that I was living in. We lived with dh's best friend and his crazy wife. On a whim she went and got this dalmation/lab mix that was 2yrs old. The 2nd day the dog was in the house is when it pulled this trick. Luckily dh's bf was standing between me and the dog. He grabbed the dog by the collar as it was standing up and drug it outside. He took the crate out and put the dog in it and then put a lock on the crate. The dog was gone the next day. I was so scared I cried. I was 18 and seriously almost peed my pants. They also had a chow/lab mix that was not the nicest dog to be around. I always kept it outside and if he was inside I was always very careful of my movements, actions around him. He had a track record of biting/attacking people. I didnt want to be next.
I do know that it states very clearly in our handbook for our townhouse community that there are no dogs allowed unless for special needs. At which those dogs must be under 30lbs. So, if my children or myself are ever attacked I am holding both the dog owner and the landlord accountable. Yes...I will file suits for any medical bills.
**stepping off my soap box**
But yes....she should file a report so that this follows the dog incase of a future attack. The next one could be your niece or some other child and not just a shoe.
If she told them at the hospital she was bitten by the dog they are obligated by law to report it (at least in the state of MI). It used to be the bite had to be above the shoulders...weird I know. Is your sister sure the dog bit her shoe and she didn't scuff it up when she fell on top of her child? If there are definite bite marks she should have shown them at the hospital. Whether it is the neighbors pet or not...it could be dangerous. Obviously there are breeds that are more dangerous than others...but there are a lot of little ankle biters that are well under 30 pounds. If the hospital reported it there should be an investigation by animal control. That is what happened when my oldest DD was bitten by a German Shepard when she was about 7. She is not fearful of dogs at all...but she will not be near a German Shepard if she can help it...no matter how friendly the owner says it is.
It almost sounds that the dog is sensitive to your sister's fear of it. Her actions probably made things even worse. If she would have just gone into the house and not kicked at the dog to shove it away it might not have bit her shoe. It certainly had ample time to bite her since she was on the ground and an easy target. I'm surprised it didn't...that just seems odd.
I doubt they would take a report from you since you were not even a witness and what you had to say was heresay.
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
People like you make me mad. Really, her sisters actions made things worse? I am sick to death of this attitude having seen it a number of time in my community. A person with a dog should have the dog under control at all times when exposed to the public. Blaming the person who is bitten because they did not react correctly is asinine and ridiculous.
You've got leash laws inside the city limits so...unless y'all are outside the city limits, the dog owner broke the law. Regardless of your sister and niece's injuries, the neighbor needs to be reported.
Yes, she should file a report.
And yes, she probably made it worse IMO. Sounds like she's super scared of dogs, freaked out, and started "shooing" it away (aka kicking it?) That's not to absolve the owner of responsibility, just sayin' that your sister sounds like she freaked out and didn't help the situation.
Gotta say, your sister sounds like a high-maintenance nervous kind of gal just from your description of her screaming and honking her horn. Terrified of all dogs and it doesn't matter since they don't go outside because of bugs anyhow? Eh, to each their own I guess but this almost sounds more like a phobia rather than a healthy fear of unpredictable animals.
nerf ball---> soaked in antifreeze-----> fetch little doggie!---->voila!
juuuuuuuuust kidding. but I would want to stomp the little sh!t. I hate unruly dogs and owners who don't take responsibility for them. I don't want to be affected by anyone's pet, be it nuissance barking, biting, or intimidation- it simply isn't fair.
I agree with Cleo, though- your sister sounds a little nutty...I mean...you just described the movie Cujo...that's pretty serious. And hard to believe that someone would have a pet that could trap neighbors in their car screaming and honking.