

We had our 2nd ultra sound today and saw/heard both heartbeats.  It was intoxicating!  DH and I can't wait to hear the heartbeats again.  We have been thinking of renting or buying a doppler.  Have any of you done that?  Is it harder to hear the 2 heartbeats?  Thanks!

Re: Doppler?

  • if you get one get the one with the digital display so it's easier to know if it's a different HB (with a singleton that's a waste of money but for twins it's good to have).  Don't get it until 12w+ because it's too hard to find before then - and even after - even when you are super pg - it can be hard to find the HB's sometimes so only get it if you won't freak out if you can't find it right away :)

    My OB was great - he said if I ever had a really hard time and couldn't find it -to come in and he'd do a quick US - thankfully that never happened.  But even my OB had trouble finding them sometimes - but had an US machine to check when that happened :)


  • smeyersmeyer member

    Exactly what Goldie said!  Rent one with a digital display and you might want to wait until a little later to get it.

    We rented a unit with a digital display from Dynamic Doppler around 13w.  We only kept it for about 2 months, until I could feel the babies more consistently.  We had no issues with our doppler - it was easy to use and we found both hbs every time.  


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  • We bought one.  It did help me feel better being able to hear their hearbeats when I wanted to.  I used it up until they were about 21 weeks and then it sat in the drawer after that.  It is hard in the beginning because we could only ever find one but as they got bigger and we were easily able to find them both.  I would suggest renting or buying one used versus buying new.
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