
Well. It finally happened.

So, I was whining and moaning about the whole GD thing to my husband and he was making fun of me, the a-hole, and I said "F*ck you, Jeff.  Seriously, F*CK YOU."

ANYWAY, it only took 3 years, 9 months for Jackson to repeat my f bomb (which btw I use on a very regular basis).  

He said: F*ck you, Jeff.  F*ck you, Jeff.

He kept repeating it.

then he said: I F*CK YOU JEFF!

LOL.  I was seriously crying I was laughing so hard, but then I had to go to time out for using bad words.  Luckily Jackson told me not to worry because I could get out when I said I was sorry AND no one would kick my baby in time out (??? no idea what that came from).

Hopefully he can keep it to himself, but I guess it's time for us to decide how we're handling curse words (something we disagree on and have since he was born).

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Re: Well. It finally happened.

  • omg that is seriously funny in a cute way.

    I have the same problem...I cant help that I have a trucker's mouth!

    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • Claire learned her first curse word from me.  isn't it funny when they use curses correctly?  Claire busts out "what the hell" often.

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  • imageeclaires:

    I guess it's time for us to decide how we're handling curse words (something we disagree on and have since he was born).

    what's his and your thoughts on how to handle it? (Not snarking, just bored/curious) :)
  • ZenyaZenya member
    Sara (19 months old) dropped a piece of lego the other day and went "FUUCK".  Nice.  So we've had to stop swearing in front of her now, too.  It's the same as what we did with DS.  Waited until he was effing and blinding and then cut it out in front of him ;)
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  • coktcokt member
    My kid is a cussing genius then. He dropped his first F bomb (in the correct context and not even after just hearing it) before he was 2. Seriously, I almost died. I have since curbed my cussing a lot, although I still slip up sometimes. He repeats everything. The other day in the car he asked, "What are daisy dukes with bikini on top Mama?" after hearing that stupid song. OMG.
  • imageamiamish:

    I guess it's time for us to decide how we're handling curse words (something we disagree on and have since he was born).

    what's his and your thoughts on how to handle it? (Not snarking, just bored/curious) :)

    He thinks we should not curse in front of Jackson and should let him know they are bad words and not to use them ever.

    I think we should just tell him that we don't care if he uses them at home, but they aren't okay anywhere else, because I have this hang up that they're just words, it's stupid that they're bad, etc.

    We'll probably go with what MH wants, but we both feel really strongly about our positions.  I'll probably give in though.

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  • cokt - LOL @ cursing genius!

    It makes me laugh that it took Jackson so long to use the word/repeat it.  He never has before - he's the cursing dummy!

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  • Eclaires that was my policy with my oldest until I got a call from his 2nd grade teacher saying he told a kid to go f*ck off.  so it kinda blew up in my face!
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • LMAO kris! E- I totally get what you're saying, but do you think J would understand the limits?
  • I think he would eventually, but I'm not sure about now.

    I mean he seems to understand that we only pull our pants down in the bathroom or that he can only wear underwear only around our house.

    But I also don't know that I would want to be apologizing to people regularly if we are out and about now while he is learning that.  Or worrying about school..

    Part of my thing was that we had made it this far without him repeating it - so I thought he may hold back for awhile until he could really understand, for sure.  But now, I'm torn.  Which is why I'll probably go with MH's plan.

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  • imageeclaires:

    I guess it's time for us to decide how we're handling curse words (something we disagree on and have since he was born).

    what's his and your thoughts on how to handle it? (Not snarking, just bored/curious) :)

    He thinks we should not curse in front of Jackson and should let him know they are bad words and not to use them ever.

    I think we should just tell him that we don't care if he uses them at home, but they aren't okay anywhere else, because I have this hang up that they're just words, it's stupid that they're bad, etc.

    We'll probably go with what MH wants, but we both feel really strongly about our positions.  I'll probably give in though.

    I feel the same way you do and MH feels the same as yours.  I gave in and have curbed my language a lot.  I still giggle when N says sh*t (that's the worst of it so far) in front of MH though.

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • And THAT's why we spell everything!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Awesome...I would have died laughing as well!
    FWIW, not sure if anyone should "model" after my parenting....HA!....but we still swear.  I swear A LOT!  Worse than Joe.

    The kids know they are grown up words, they are bad words and they are not to say them.  Thankfully, they haven't (in school) at all.  At home, they have said it here or there and I let it pass (ie. ignore it) the first itme.  If they then start saying it just for a reaction, I remind them that they are bad words (they know that) and that they are not allowed to say them.  Joey has NEVER questioned me on that.  Cam has, recently.  She did the whole "Well, you say them!" and I said "You are right.  And mommy is a grown up.  When you are a grown up, you can say them too.  But not until then." She accepted that answer.

    It has worked fine.  For now anyway.  Then again, I am of the "Do as I say, not as I do" way of parenting, which isn't very popular around here!

  • I don't really have a problem with that, Jodi - I just don't want to do it myself because of how I don't think they are bad words, you know?

    So I'll probably just try to clean up my language, so that I don't have to say "those are bad words!!!"  They're just words...this way I can avoid totally getting on board with MH's philosophy.  LOL.

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  • Yea, I don't think they are bad words either.  They can be substituted with anything and the "intent" is still behind them.  But I don't care to get in to a philosophy class with my 5 and 3 year old.  LOL so to them, they are bad words (even though, really, I mean "socially unacceptable").  ;)
  • LMAO!!  Yeah, I still remember the first time A said "F*ck it" with perfect pitch and tone (heard it over the baby monitor as he said it repeatedly!) :)

    As for the "they're just words" vs. "bad words"  - a compromise could be to say that there are some words that only grownups use (not labeling them as bad, rather just something he's not yet allowed to use).  I'm guessing there are other things in your house that only grownups are allowed to use/do, so swearing could fall in the same camp - not bad, just off limits for little people :)

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