So this morning, DD was tugging her ears a bit and I was thinking, oh man, not another ear infection (it was a tough winter/spring!) and when I looked more closely, I saw that the inside edges of both ears were full o' gunk, all the way around. So we had a nice little cleaning session with some q-tips and hydrogen peroxide. Reminds me of when she was a multiple-chinned baby, and one day we discovered the dreaded "neck cheese" hiding way under all those rolls of cute little baby fat. Yikes! So, you may all be much more up on cleaning random toddler crevices than I was, but just take a second to check those ear ridges, and hopefully they are squeaky clean!
Re: PSA: toddler ear gunk
LOL! Ear junk doesn't stand a chance in my house! I have this 'thing' about clean ears- got to be clean!
Even when I was little I would check my older brothers ears to make sure they were clean.
So now with DD- ears are cleaned daily! just like mommy's.
I wonder if its possible to just be OCD about ear cleaning??