Because there has been some bad news on the board today I thought it might be nice for people to vent a little bit by adding to the HATE list.
Here are a few of mine.
1. Walgreen's Pharmacy.
2. Pregnancy Loss/MC.
3. Kidney Stones.
4. Miley Cyrus.
5. "Spedi" (The Pratts).
6. Craving something I can't have.
7. Bills.
8. Not getting what I pay for.
9. Breaking a nail after months of hard work trying to get them to look nice.
10. People not returning my phone calls.
Re: Places/People/Things that I HATE.
All of the above, especially whats in bold along with:
*Parents divorcing while you are pg!
*the stupid Texas heat
*the universe continuing to sh!t on good people who deserve nothing but the best!
Junk mail
Loud talking cws
Running out of chocolate ice cream
Runs in my stockings
Conference calls
Working in a cubicle
BFP #2 4/13/10. Bridget born 12/28/10
BFP #3 Finn born 8/11/15
That life is unfair sometimes, especially to good people
People that complain and biitch constantly about their kids and call them horrible names.
Not sleeping
1. The mind boggling unfairness of infertility.
2. FH's who don't understand the miracle of pregnancy or babies that they get to keep
3. Loud talking co-workers
4. Traffic
5. People who don't stop at stop signs to let me walk me dog through
6. Farmville and Mafia Wars on fb.
1. The pool at work (and the CONSTANT screaming that comes out of it All.Day.Long. )
1.5. People who let their little kids come to the pool alone. COME ON PEOPLE. Then I have to be the one to ruin their fun when I tell them to come back with an adult.
2. People that treat their kids like an inconvenience they have to deal with.
3. That people can want to make a baby with all of their being and keep getting them taken away.
4. Smoking
5. People who text while they're driving.
1. Drama
2. People who act like they don't know what you're talking about, but really they do (work related)
3. People who feel that they are entitled to a baby shower at work & ask around about when it's going to happen b/c they don't want to go on leave until it happens.
4. Same people as #3 who complain when they don't get enough at their work shower & feel that they are "owed" more.
5. Work (can you tell?)
6. People who drive in the left lane & aren't passing anyone...MOVE OVER!
7. Intrusive MILs
Thanks ladies, that's been one of those weeks!
BFP#2 5/11/09 :: Natural m/c 5/27/09 @ 5w5d
BFP#3 7/24/09 :: Missed m/c, baby stopped growing at 6w4d :: natural m/c 8/28/09 @ 8w6d
BFP #4 11/27/09 :: DD born 7/27/10
BFP #5 2/29/12 :: DD born 11/6/12
1. People who walk right through a door I hold open for them without touching the door (thus making me stand there until they are through the door) especially when it's a man.
2. People who never share their opinions but obviously have them
3. Beautiful work days and overcast weekends
4. Large attorney egos